UCSD Gothic: Go inside. Cosmic truth awaits.

Paul Sandford
Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2019
Photo by Modesta Žemgulytė on Unsplash

The door leads to a serpentine path that snakes between trees and buildings. You turn around to find that the doorway has disappeared, and the path trails off behind you. Pine needles carpet the forest floor. Fog twists and contorts following the winding path. You walk along the path past several lamp posts sporting dysfunctional light bulbs and stumble into a large cobweb that is fortunately devoid of spiders (you think). You’ve never been here before, but you deduce it to be Sixth college from descriptions you’ve heard. So much for cosmic truth. The fog never leaves the trappings of this cursed place, even in daylight, and its occupants allegedly subsist on mud and what little sunlight they can get. You are quite distressed at the notion that this may be the inevitable reality of the entire cosmos.

The buildings stand tall on feeble wooden columns. No doors exist on the ground floor. You gaze up at the walkways to see stairways suspended at 90° angles. The hinged stairs were held up by rusted chains embedded in the walls of the buildings. The stairs’ hinges sing in discordant squeaks with every shift of the apartments on their rotting stilts. What could prompt the inhabitants to pull up their only way of contact with the ground? You remember the rumors of wild creatures in the woods of Sixth; at night, oversized reptiles, bandits, and plagues of vermin roam the forest floor.

You continue your trek through the seemingly endless backwoods and happen upon a fallen lamp post. You approach it and within five feet, the light flickers on. You hear muttering and look up to see two pairs of eyes peering through the blinds of a window pried apart by two fingers. The eyes withdraw, and you turn at the sound of skittering across the concrete path. Your eyes dart around, and the revealing light of the lamp post sheds truth on the accuracy of the rumors. You can confirm with certainty that the woods were inhabited by strange beings far worse than even the rumors suggested, as you see the reflective eyes of many creatures that you’d rather have not known existed. These eyes peered out of every nook and cranny in every building, bush, and tree.

This is no time to be idle. Run you fool.

