UCSD Gothic: Go Worship Him.

N. Sowers
Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2019

You know that you’re not usually one for this sort of ridiculous thing. Your vision is perfectly fine, at least it was this morning when you woke up. But, looking at Him now, you feel drawn in.

Of course, you did walk backwards under Him when you came for Triton Day, because the College Ambassador with the biggest smile you’d ever seen told you it was tradition, but tonight, it feels right. It feels needed.

As you approach Him, the fog grows and swirls like a swirling pool that dark things could hide in, and suddenly, He’s gone.

You blink. There was no denying it. Sun God, who was normally well lit and comforting, was completely, entirely, missing. The fog drew away, only emphasizing the empty hole in your eye line.

The air filled with rustling.

At first, you think it’s a helicopter flying overhead, or a great metal bird on it’s way back to base, but unless they put feathers on them, this is something else entirely. Your eye is drawn towards the dense shape of Mandeville in the distance, and you see it.

Creeping along quite slowly, the shadowy form of something not human. It crept into a shadow and disappeared. This is not the daylight Sun God you’re used to.

You’ve lost sight of Him now, but the sound of rustling hasn’t ceased. It fills the air, like it’s coming from inside your brain.

Peering around the concrete pedestal, you catch sight of Him again, lurching through the trees. He freezes, shifts. Is he looking at you?

Impossibly quick, the horrid bird lunges in your direction, staggering forward until it looms above you.

The last thing you ever hear is the thundering shuffle of feathers.

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N. Sowers

UCSD Class of 2020 | English Literature Major in Revelle College | Words come from a Head, not a Hat