There’s a difference between mile markers and trail markers.

Josh Frank
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2017

“If you’re not 80% done by the time you’ve used 50% of your resources, you are behind. 80% done means you can ship it right now.”

This is the 80/50 rule, inspired by Introductory bullshit detection for non-technical managers”.

We run one week sprints at Revelry, so on any given day of the week, we are able to check in with the 80/50 rule.

(Yes, you read that right. One. Week. Sprints.) at Revelry. And to me, these sprints feel a lot like blazing a trail.

These sprints can get away from you without careful planning. It means that the team can get a little anxious come Wednesday when we check in with the 80/50 rule.

So I came up with this analogy:

“There’s a difference between mile markers and trail markers.”

Rules, process, and blazing a trail

We talk a lot about #process at Revelry. We use it to drive our product development efforts. This can translate into, “We have a lot of rules.”

We also talk a lot about playing jazz. We know how to bend, not break. We’ve learned how to dance with one another. How to make art. Because we know the rules — because we’re firmly rooted in our process — we know when we can pause for half a beat. Or slide up a half note.

What’s this have to do with the 80/50 rule?

Well, it’s this — 80/50 can be one of our trail markers. A guide post. It’s not an absolute. It’s not a literal, “you are at mile marker 39 and heading to 50; that’s 78%, which means you’re not there.”

But it is going to tell us a hell of a lot.

A typical week using Agile One Week Sprints

So, a typical week will look like this: Monday we set a commitment for the week and get started. By Thursday our commitment should be well on its way through the QA process. And on Friday, we should be fixing final bugs and maybe even starting new work from the backlog. Every day, the team makes sure they comment on a ticket within 2 hours of starting it and leave comments (like breadcrumbs) as they proceed.

As a Product Owner and Producer, I have a bird’s-eye view of this whole forest. As team members pick up their tickets and call out their trails (calling their shots), I can give direction. I’ll advise on whether that trail is washed out, and remind everyone not to shortcut the switchbacks.

This is how we keep track of the landmarks that tell us we’re still on the right trail. It’s not always a straight line, but the journey is beautiful.

Originally published at on October 2, 2017.

