RevenueCat is Open for Business

Jacob Eiting
RevenueCat Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2018

Six months ago, I wrote about the problems with building on top of Apple and Google’s in-app subscriptions APIs and announced the RevenueCat beta.

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Someone post this to /r/BlunderYears

Since then we’ve tracked subscriptions for over ten thousand users across dozens of apps. This process helped us figure out a lot of the use cases, iron out bugs, and make the platform even better.

Today we are beyond excited to officially launch and open RevenueCat up to everyone.

RevenueCat 1.0

We’ve introduced some great new features which I plan to go into detail about soon but here are the highlights.

Support for Android, ReactNative, and Unity

SDKs available for every major platform

We’ve shipped SDKs for Android, ReactNative, and Unity. You can now have a unified system for dealing with purchases across the majority of the mobile eco-system. Avoiding two IAP stacks is a huge time saver for cross platform apps.


One common challenge when dealing with in-app products is organizing your different offerings and SKUs. This becomes especially important if you plan to do price testing or make changes to your products.

Entitlements offer a convenient way to group your products.

Entitlements give you server driven control over what products your users see and makes it possible to deploy your app without hard coding products identifiers. You can read more about them here.

New Overview

We redesigned the dashboard from the ground up and made the overview a great place to see all your top line metrics at glance.

Revenue metrics in real time


Our biggest feature is our new charts tool. You can now easily filter and segment your top line metrics by cohort, product, and more.

Powerful, segmentable charts.

We’ve built something that is extremely extensible and whip fast. I look forward to building out a ton of great metrics here to help developers really understand their businesses.

Customer Management

One of the most frustrating aspects of running a mobile subscription business is the lack of control you have over your customer’s payments. This often leads to frustrating customer service situations where enthusiastic users are sent to Apple or Google to resolve their issue.

Customer level controls

With individual customer profiles you are able to see a customer’s full history and resolve issues before they become negative reviews.

The Future

Our mission is to help developers make more money. We believe that making subscriptions easier is a great way to do that. Every developer should have access to the tools that can increase revenue by multiples.

So, what are you waiting for? Go sign up!

Tell us what you think!

This GIF was too annoying for Product Hunt but I wanted to use it somewhere.



Jacob Eiting
RevenueCat Blog

CEO @ RevenueCat. Fake mad about mobile frameworks.