Mud Arena

Marcel Top
REVERSE magazine
Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2018


It was a rainy day when I arrived at the place where the event would happen. I wasn’t expecting too much because of the weather. Also the place seemed a little bit weird. Close to the port, next to an old railway, and surrounded by wild nature. The buildings in the neighbourhood looked all like office buildings.

Theground of the field was all muddy because of the rain, and you could see water everywhere. All these things didn’t stop the players to do their best and to go hard. There was no time for rest or going easy on the field. Each team give everything they got to win this tournament.

You could see that some teams were less professional than others but that didn’t stop them to go for the win. People fell down on the ground, got muddy, got injured but always got up again. A couple of teams played when it suddenly started raining again, everyone went hiding in a tent or inside. It was time for beer. When it stopped raining this beer was also handed out to players when they made a goal on the field. A quick sip and then ready again to go.

