ELI5 — What’s a CPU ?

Bogdan Socaciu
Published in
3 min readJun 25, 2023
A stylistic drawing of a CPU


Have you ever wondered how your computer can perform tasks, make calculations, and solve problems so quickly? Well, the secret lies in a tiny but mighty component called the computer processor, also known as the CPU. In this article, we’ll embark on an adventure to uncover the magic behind computer processors and understand why they are the brains of your computer.

What is a Computer Processor?

Imagine you have a super smart and incredibly fast brain that can do calculations and solve problems at lightning speed. That’s essentially what a computer processor is for a computer! The CPU is short for Central Processing Unit, and it serves as the powerhouse of your computer.

The Brain of the Computer

Just as our brain processes information, the CPU takes in information from the computer’s memory and performs calculations on it. It acts as the thinking center and helps the computer carry out a wide range of tasks. You can think of it as the conductor of an orchestra, coordinating all the different parts of your computer to work together harmoniously.

A stylistic drawing of the CPU as the brain of the computer

The CPU’s Functionality

Inside the computer, the CPU is a small chip that contains various components working together seamlessly. Let’s explore two of its key components:

  1. Control Unit: The control unit is like the brain’s command center. It tells the computer what to do and when to do it. It manages the flow of data within the computer and ensures that each part performs its assigned tasks. Just like a conductor guiding musicians, the control unit ensures that all the computer’s operations are in sync.
  2. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): The arithmetic logic unit is the math whiz of the CPU. It handles all the number crunching and logical operations. It can add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers in a blink of an eye. Moreover, it can compare numbers to determine if they are equal, greater, or smaller. The ALU’s abilities are crucial for solving complex calculations and making decisions.

The Speedy Brain

One of the most impressive aspects of a CPU is its speed. It can perform billions of calculations per second! This incredible processing power allows your computer to handle complex tasks swiftly and efficiently. It’s like having a super-quick brain that outpaces our own thinking capabilities.

The Evolution of CPUs

Computer processors have come a long way since their inception. They have become smaller, faster, and more efficient with each passing year. Technological advancements have led to the development of multi-core processors, where a single CPU chip contains multiple cores. This allows computers to perform multiple tasks simultaneously, boosting their overall performance.


To summarise, a computer processor, Central Processing Unit or CPU, is the brain of your computer. It’s like having a super smart and lightning-fast brain that helps your computer think, remember information, and solve problems quickly. The control unit manages tasks, while the arithmetic logic unit performs calculations and makes decisions. The CPU’s incredible speed and capabilities make it an integral part of modern computing. So, the next time you marvel at your computer’s performance, remember to give a nod of appreciation to the fantastic CPU silently working its magic behind the scenes!

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Bogdan Socaciu

Co-founder @RevianLabs | Professional thing-fixer | DevOps Engineer | Gopher | Finance enthusiast