WBF Dubai has ended & lots was learned!

Kris Ristanovic
Published in
4 min readApr 26, 2018

Before we begin, allow us to thank all of you who attended WBF Dubai. We made some fantastic connections through great conversation and hope to see you again at Collision, New Orleans.

Prior to boarding our airplane at the Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, we were nervous, anxious and above all, excited. We didn’t know what to expect; how will the conference turn out? And how people would respond to our ideas and presentation? It’s difficult to break our vision down into a 7 minute presentation, but we worked very hard to deliver our message in the most concise way possible.

Once landed in Dubai, we knew there wasn’t a moment to spare, we decided we’d make the most of every moment we had. Off to the hotel we went, to check-in and immediately head to the conference! Our state of mind was simple. We are here and it is now or never. This do or die approach would allow us to make the absolute most of our time at WBF.

Much to our delight, our team and project had a warm welcome by the community. A lot of people were asking about Review.Network. “How does it work? Why did you choose to use blockchain as a platform?” The best part of it all, was that the questions never stopped! The constant stream of questions and answers allowed us to inform and educate all interested parties. Whenever we answered a question, we would get immediate feedback and ideas on how to make Review.Network better, for both the companies and the users. Once the sun set, we took a deep breath. With day 1 in the rear-view mirror, we felt absolutely amazing.

The second day was the day we were scheduled to present. Our 7 minute presentation was what we feared the most leading up to the conference. It was also what excited us. The fear was rooted in our inexperience with public speaking, but we knew that despite our lack of expertise, we had to give it our all.

We went on stage and all of a sudden, we were no longer nervous. We felt calm yet energetic. In this state of flow, our confidence in Review.Network as a large and sustainable project took over. We presented it to the audience in a coherent way that people fully understood what we are developing; A decentralized high quality market feedback platform. And people reacted to it! Every aspect of it, our goal, our mission, the blockchain-based platform and our user-reward system evoked excitement and curiosity. The idea of REW token, the staking of tokens and focus on the users themselves opened the eyes and ears of everyone in attendance.

Seven minutes passed and it felt like one. We were done with the presentation and thanked the audience for their time and attention. We knew we did well but the applause validated our experience. We left the stage, took off the microphones and headed back to our booth in the lobby. People were constantly coming and asking us more questions and giving us feedback on the presentation itself. We wrote down all of the feedback and it immediately sparked some new ideas for the project, how to improve it and make it better for the final consumer.

The second day came and went and off we went to dinner and then straight to bed. We may have been in bed, but there little sleep was had. Our minds were blown and running at 100 mph. The constructive criticism and overall feedback had us awake all night long! Soon enough, it was time to check out of the hotel. We went to the Dubai International Airport and boarded a plane to Belgrade. Once seated, we were full of mixed emotions. Could we have done MORE? Could we have done BETTER? We knew that it was a success, but that’s just the type of people we are, always looking to improve.

Finally landed in Belgrade, we left the terminal and we did not just feel re-energized, we felt a new flow of energy, willpower and determination to continue our work on Review.Network. We want it to be great. A lot of work is left to be done, but by the time of the Collision conference in New Orleans, we will reach a new milestone. Then MoneyConf, a new milestone will be reached. All thanks to your help and valuable feedback.

Thank you all once again. We couldn’t do this without you.

Hope to see you again at Collision New Orleans…

