Reviews R Us- BodyArmor Super Drink

Alison Higgins
Reviews R Us
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2017

Strawberry Banana flavored BodyArmor Supeer drink

You can find this drink in the grocery store aisle along side Gatorade and Powerade. Its a sports drink that offers a ridicouls amount of benefit. My father, who doesn't drink much drinks these sports drinks (his favorite being Strawberry-banana) in order to get a lot of his daily vitamins and minerals. They come in a variety of flavors and you can find them at your local super market.

How its different from the rest

BodyArmor is a sports drink that does more. It has vitamins and minerals, where other sports drinks have little to no nutritional value. It has low sodium and is made with coconut water. BodyAromor has no artificial colors or flavors. Its the real deal.

Specifications: BodyArmor comes in a variety of flavors including Strawberry-Banana, Orange-Mango, Fruit Punch, Blackout Berry, Watermelon-Strawberry, Tropical punch, and more. BodyArmor also has multiple products including the Original Sports Drink, BodyArmor Lyte, And BodyArmor Water. The BodyArmor waters are just that, Pure, well filtered waters, perfect for hydrating during any activity.

How it works: BodyArmor is chalk full of electrolytes. As we exercise and sweat, we lose precious electrolytes which help maintain fluid balances inside of our body. BodyArmor sports drinks are different because they use Potassium as their primary electrolyte instead of sodium. Their reason for this is that Potassium helps with nerve function and muscle control, and also helps prevent cramping. Americans get enough sodium during their day from food intakes so potassium is a more beneficial option.

Price and Purchase options: BodyArmor Sports drinks cost on average about $2.50 per 28oz bottle and can be found at Market Basket, Sams Club, Walmart, Stop and Shop and many other stores. They also come in a 16oz bottle. BodyArmor comes in The original Sports drink, BodyArmor Lyte and BodyArmor Water, and they can be found in a variety of flavors.

Hands On Experience: My Father drinks BodyArmor sports drinks regularly because they provide him with the vitamins and Minerals that he normally does not get enough of during his day. I am currently drinking one and i can say from experience that they taste great. One 28oz BodyArmor has a days worth of Niacin, Folic acid, Pantothenic acid, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12, as well as 50% of a days with of Vitamin C, E, and A. It is an easy and delicious way t get a lot of your daily nutrients while staying hydrated.

Pros and Cons:

Pros: High in Potassium, Offers the Daily amount of Niacin, Folic acid, Pantothenic acid, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12, Helps Hydrate, Good for athetes both adults and children, alot of different flavors, offers the Original sports drink as well as BodyArmor Lyte and BodyArmor Water.

Cons: They are kinda expensive, as a college student i dont see myself being able to buy these on a regular basis. High in calories, At 245 calories a bottle, i would only drink these when i knew id be active. A lot of sugar.

Recommendation: I would recommend this sports drink if one was going to be engaging in strenuous exercise. This drink is high in electrolytes including Potassium which is great for someone who is sweating a lot an needs to stay well hydrated. I would also recommend this for someone who doesnt eat a lot like my father and doesnt get enough of his daily nutirnts. I would not drink this as a casual drink because it is high in calories and sugar and is rally meant to be used as a sports drink.

