Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

A Story of a Madman’s Country — “The Creator”

Writing is Life
Reviewsday Tuesday
3 min readJan 2, 2024


Source: The Guardian

This is an imaginary story any resemblance is purely coincidental.

This essay is a review of the movie The Creator, released in 2023.

The Creator is a futuristic masterpiece directed by Gareth Edwards that takes you on an exhilarating journey into a world torn apart by a war between humanity and artificial intelligence. The plot is nothing short of brilliant, with unexpected twists and turns that keep you on the edge of your seat.

The movie tells the story of Sergeant Joshua Taylor, his wife Maya, and “Alphie” — a robot simulant named Alpha-O. John David Washington plays a former military man who loses his pregnant wife (Gemma Chan) in a raid on his village. Alphie (Madeleine Yuna Voyles) is a hybrid of humans and AI, she has the power to control and manipulate machines.

Most reviewers would review this masterpiece from the perspective of family, love story, and Sergeant Taylor seeking his wife Maya (whom he thought was dead). But in this essay, I will discuss this movie from a very different perspective.

Source: Koimo

The movie starts with a nuclear explosion in Los Angeles, California. The USA blames AI for the explosion and the death of thousands of people. This supposed attack by AI gives a free pass for the Americans to invade any country and destroy any and everything that comes between them and their so-called enemy — Artificial Intelligence. In doing so, the USA declares war against Southeast Asia, where AI robots are fighting a war of survival.

In this movie, Americans are shown killing children, women, and men mercilessly. The madman’s country has a weapon called NOMAD that does not differentiate between hostile combatants and non-hostile civilians. The aim of the American army is to destroy everything that comes between them and their target — Nirmata.

Upon discovering the ill intentions of Americans and fabricated facts, Taylor —who was tasked to find the AI weapon and destroy it — goes rogue and starts helping Alphie (the AI he was supposed to destroy) to end the war. During his quest, he realizes that the war is ill-intended and that there is no justification for the mass murder of innocent Southeast Asians.

Spoiler ahead!

The movie takes a very expected turn at the climax when it is revealed that the nuclear explosion was not AI’s fault, but human error, and “Nirmata” turns out to be the American-made robot to instigate false flag operations. Although people were aware of the “devil’s” intentions for America and the innocence of AI — they can only resist with the limited resources they have.

The movie ends with a very emotional and dramatic scene where people can be seen cherishing the fall of NOMAD — the madman’s weapons — as they can sleep without fear of bombings falling on their muddy homes.



Writing is Life
Reviewsday Tuesday

I have Doctorate degree in International Politics. I write on everything that amaze and inspire me.