Reviewsday Seasonal Theme: Spring 2024

With monetary prizes for the best stories

Dr. Casey Lawrence
Reviewsday Tuesday
Published in
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3 min readMar 15, 2024


Photo by Belinda Fewings on Unsplash

Greetings reviewers! Welcome to Reviewsday Tuesday, the publication that posts reviews of all kinds. Books, movies, TV shows, people, places, things, even words in the English dictionary — you name it, you can review it.

In Reviewsday Tuesday’s first year, I introduced a monthly prompt attached to a small honorarium ($5 USD) for the best on-theme review submitted during that month. After a few months’ hiatus, the prompts are back with a twist: Seasonal instead of monthly, reviewers will have three full months to submit their entry for a $10 USD grand prize and $5 USD prizes for up to three runners-up.

Ground Rules

  1. You must be a writer for Reviewsday Tuesday to participate. You can join by following the Submission Guidelines. All entries must adhere to the rules outlined in the Guidelines, including formatting, tagging, and citation of images.
  2. All entries must be submitted before the final Tuesday of the season. Since all our stories are published on Tuesdays, stories submitted late will be ineligible to win. This season’s deadline is June 18.
  3. Each entry must use the tag ‘Monthly Theme’ and identify itself as participating by linking this post at the bottom of the story.
  4. All entrants must be following Reviewsday Tuesday to be eligible to win. The winner will be announced in the Newsday newsletter.

The Prize

The best review submitted to Reviewsday Tuesday between March 19 and June 18 that follows the seasonal theme will receive $10 USD. Up to three runners-up will receive $5 USD. Prizes will be paid via PayPal.

Imaged created by the author using Canva

Seasonal Theme: A Fresh Start

Spring is the season of beginnings. Flowers start to bloom, animals emerge from hibernation, and the birds — and retirees — return to the north from their winter vacation homes.

For the next three months, I want to see your take on the seasonal theme “A Fresh Start.” This theme can be interpreted as broadly or as specifically as you want. Here are some prompts to inspire you:

  • Review a debut author’s first book.
  • Start a new hobby and write about your experience.
  • Review the first book or movie in a series, the first season or first episode of a television show, or a musician’s first album.
  • Review a newly released book or movie that is not a sequel or a reboot.
  • Try something (a food, activity, or genre) that you’ve never tried before and review it from the perspective of the uninitiated.
  • Review a classic film or work of literature from a fresh perspective.

Remember, these prompts are designed to inspire your creativity and encourage you to write engaging reviews. (And of course, not all reviews submitted to Reviewsday need to follow the theme. Unrelated stories will still be published, they just won’t be eligible for prizes.)

Feel free to personalize these topics according to your preferences, or submit something totally unexpected: other entries related to the monthly theme are welcome and encouraged! Remember to use the ‘Monthly Theme’ tag for any entries you want to be considered. Multiple entries are encouraged (but only one per week).

Good luck to everyone who participates! The winner(s) will be announced in late June.

Reviewsday Tuesday is run by yours truly, Casey Lawrence. Running a publication is a time-consuming volunteer activity, and all contest prizes come out of my pocket. If you’re enjoying my content, consider showing your support by buying me a coffee.

If you would like to write for Reviewsday Tuesday, check out the submission guidelines above. I am accepting new writers at this time. Follow the publication here on Medium and also on Twitter.



Dr. Casey Lawrence
Reviewsday Tuesday

Canadian author of three LGBT YA novels. PhD from Trinity College Dublin. Check out my lists for stories by genre/type.