5 Steps to Prepare For Your Exams With Revisify

Pav Sidhu
Published in
2 min readMar 14, 2016
Revisify Homepage

With exams coming up in the UK and other countries, now is the best time to begin your studying. Here is how you can get the best out of your studying with Revisify.

1. Focus on 1 topic at a time

It can be overwhelming when you first begin going through all your subjects so break it down and start with one topic, it can be any one. Once you have gone over that topic several times and you feel confident go onto the next. Before you know it you will we able to answer all the questions for all your subjects.

2. Have small bursts of studying

It may seem a good idea to spend hours of time trying to learn as much information as possible, however having smaller sessions is proven to improve your focus and productivity. Try going through a topic a several times, having a small break and then returning. You’ll notice that it’s easier to concentrate and get more of your work done.

3. Revisit old topics

When you have mastered a topic, it can be easy to forget all that information a few days after. Remember to return to topics you have done to keep all the information fresh in your memory.

4. Check your progress and find your weak points

While it’s great to go over topics you are confident with, going over topics which you find harder will be more beneficial of your time. Revisify makes it easy to find your strengths and weaknesses by showing you your topic results when you complete a topic. Use these results to help you prioritise your topics when you study.

5. Learn with friends

Sometimes it can be fun to have others with you while you prepare for your exams. Get together with friends you work well with and study a topic or two on Revisify. It doesn’t matter if you meet up often, you can still use their topic questions along with yours to prepare for your exams.



Pav Sidhu

👋🏼 I'm a developer, designer and Computer Science student.