Vrancea County will be at the center, for the first time ever, of THE DISCOVER ROMANIA 2019 summer trip of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation (IRICE). DISCOVER ROMANIA is a programme destined to acquaint diplomats and international friends of Romania with the country historical patrimony and leisure opportunities and destinations.

International Relations
4 min readJul 8, 2019


A welcoming home away from home for the participants of 2019 DIPLOMATIC TRIP: The DOMENIILE PANCIU HOTEL.

The selection of the destination was made keeping in balance the growing international fame of the Vrancea county, the breathtaking beauty of the region and the celebrations destined to underline, during 2019, the YEAR OF GREATER ROMANIA.

The Summer 2019 Diplomatic trip will take place from 12 July to 15th July and will be dedicated as always to diplomats and foreign friends and partners of Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania and will be carved as an opportunity and invitation to discover VRANCEA regional heritage, history, culture, hospitality and cuisine treasures.

In 2018 the diplomats visited the magic land of Danube Delta. In 2019 the will adventure into the center of Romania, the Vrancea County.

Vrancea is still an unspoiled land offering a balanced climate all year round, spectacular scenery, celebrated religious hot-spots like : Buluc Monastery (build by Caragea boyars in XVII century), Recea Monastery from Dumbraveni or Musunoaiele Church from Fitionesti, the mineral waters of Soveja used for medical therapy and the line up of monuments of Focsani, Marasti and Marasesti built after First World War to commemorate the rebirth of Romania after the first global conflagration.

The famous and picturesque Buluc Monastery (build by Caragea boyars in XVII century).

All these cultural and historical highlights can be accessed in day time trips from the host and center of our discovery adventure in Vrancea: The DOMENIILE PANCIU HOTEL.

Exactly this was another argument in choosing Vrancea for the discovery trip: the opening of an extraordinary resort and hospitality complex in the area: DOMENIILE PANCIU HOTEL, this is providing us with the high luxury base for our trips in the region mentioned Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.

The main battlefields of the First World War when Romanian army defeated the German attackers and saved the nation independence are also to be discovered on Vrancea County.

A string of monuments erected between 1918–1938 are crowning the land of Vrancea.

This hospitality complex is to become the gravity center of our activities, to discover Vrancea and also our night base for wonderful meals and recuperation after travel.

At the heart of this sensibilization campaign aimed at informing Romanian public with regards to the extraordinary tourism potential of the Vrancea is Mr. Daniel Guzu, the General Director of DOMENIILE PANCIU and an avid and ardent promoter of the Vrancea County beauties and potential, and determined in sharing them with the world.

Mr. Daniel Guzu, the creator of DOMENIILE PANCIU brand, congratulated by diplomats on the venue of 2018 International Wine Fair of Bucharest.

The diplomat’s program was coined, with the help of HOTEL DOMENIILE PANCIU owner and Director, Mr. Daniel Guzu, a man addicted to Vrancea and passionate to share his knowledge of this legendary county.

We hope that this diplomatic trip to Vrancea will be a new success of the DISCOVERY ROMANIA program, started in 2008 by The Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation and will be followed this autumn by a discovery trip to another magic land: Maramures, stated Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.

Vrancea: a place of unique beauty and unparalleled sceneries.


The description of 2018 DIPLOMATIC TRIP can be accessed here:

The full photo journal of the 2017 Summer Diplomatic Trip can be observed here: IRICE PRESIDENT OFFICE

The full photo journal of the 2016 Summer Diplomatic Trip can be observed here: PRESIDENT OFFICE

The Journal of 2011 Ambassadors Visit to DANUBE DELTA is available here:

The Journals of previous visits to Moldavia can be observed here: Iasi and Bucovina

You can access directly the website of the host of 2019 Diplomatic trip THE DOMENIILE PANCIU HOTEL here:



International Relations

IRICE is dedicated to promote the international relations of Romania and to develop the economic, cultural and diplomatic relations with nations of the world.