Faith Powers Global Change

Brigitta Anjelia #philosophia🕊
RevitaliZ Magazine
5 min readDec 8, 2023


Call me Conscientia — not a home, but your hidden gem.

Photo by Sam Bark on Unsplash

When I explore something I believe in, I genuinely seek the answer. Every species on Earth has a unique way of determining the outcome.

Considering my existence as a human and exploring what satisfies my life, especially the pain I’ve faced, I would leave everything behind, breaking free from the confines of the dark side in my soul. I dismiss what pulls me back in my journey, recognizing that fighting battles in my inner world for something unworthy of defining who I am only closes my eyes to the need to keep moving forward.

Despair no longer blocks my journeys, I get closer to the divine, spread my wings to face challenges, and rest in my faith. The positive affirmations I’ve built for myself serve as manifestations, leaving footprints that hold up leading up to my goals. After all, faith is a reminder to keep doing what is worthy in my soul for the best in this world.

If you have faith, your soul will have more confidence to be who you are. Your mind will be more relaxed when faced with challenges. Your heart will be more Conscientia about what it is — relaxing, like quality time with no humans, only ourselves in a room.

How do you feel now, in 5 minutes? After your relaxation, let’s explore how beautiful life can be with Conscientia.

Conscientia (in Latin) is a part of your soul, the twin of conscience. Something can touch your soul. Growing up and living life to the fullest without Conscientia is meaningless. You might be lost and end up a loser.

Seeing many other humans engage in actions outside the Conscientia line, such as hate speech, hatred, and living only for themselves, doing what they want without caring for the ecosystem, while the Earth is in bad shape, and moving easily to other planets is not an option.

I am aware that every human has different interests in contributing to caring for the planet.

In today’s world, there is a greater focus on self-interest with the popular mantra ‘’do what you love”. While pursuing one’s passion is important, considering the broader impact should be our middle name. Perhaps there is a need to shift the mindset to “do what you need,” the need being your awareness of why you are here on this planet.

For my fellow generation, it is our responsibility to take care of the future planet condition as the older generation departs. Let’s stay vigilant about our desires and choices for our way of living.

Wait a Minute! I thought life is fair, as the older generation has already taken on the responsibility of building many big companies for the population to work in and has had a significant impact on nature. Now, the younger generation takes over to make it balanced, focusing on something in-between beyond the CSR field.

To keep my faith alive since childhood, despite many people saying I’m too innocent due to my beliefs, I still have the faith to stand up for what I believe. I claim that I draw strength from my connection with my beliefs in a higher power, God… to take care of this planet.

Daily life matters to us because of the many little things we do. If you’re interested in learning more about what you can do, I recommend this overview as your guide for fresh ideas in daily life on Earth.

In your journey through life, remember that you are not alone on this planet. Your problems are everyone’s problems because, as humans, we share similar experiences, even if we are born into different family lifestyles. Consequently, choose your path in life carefully. Have you asked yourself…

What if the planet no longer produces human needs due to an overloaded demand?

Your life is not just about dancing on TikTok, posting aesthetics on Instagram, or making breaking news on Twitter. It is more than social media crowds. While we can enjoy living in the digital world, don’t forget that reality is calling for your attention. It’s all for the goodness in your future. Even your small actions each day have a significant impact on this planet.

So, please open your eyes. Plants, animals, and ecosystems are always waiting for your support. You have reasons and wisdom to continue your life. Just change your daily life by focusing on spreading positive energy. Think first about the cause and effect in every decision you make.

Did you know that the real future of Earth is not determined by money, status, or reputation?

You can pursue the mundane, but don’t be greedy, and remember that not everything is essential in your life. You have physical limits, a mentality for your soul, and inherent value that makes your existence more meaningful than just that. Natural selection always performs its duties, so you should do yours. It doesn’t cost anything; just ask yourself to pay attention to your surroundings, planting seeds of love and light.

Quickly turn away from the path of losing who you are as humans. We live by our own choices but maintain a balance with the rules of our forefathers because without them, how could we be born on this earth?

I believe my inner voice is enough to be heard. I started by doing small things to make a difference, sharing my daily inner thoughts in two specific ways.

Self-care Quotes




The point is that wherever you go, just focus on spreading positive energy for this planet. This helps you think about what you can contribute to this planet and alerts you if you do something unhealthy. It’s not just about your personal existence but the interconnected link that keeps you on track for your future on Earth, guided by your small actions.

In the end, just keep Conscientia alive in your soul. With your hidden gem, you’ll have more confidence to do something healthy — something you need. Hopefully, it can impact your mentality positively.

You know what you need.

Let’s play my anthem, a song that inspires me to keep going.

I have no idea who I am today if I lack faith since my childhood because my inner voices never stop guiding me on my mission. While I can stand up for myself, I cannot reach every place at once, so I need all of your support for this planet. Stay true to your faith, and let goodness remain in your soul.



Brigitta Anjelia #philosophia🕊
RevitaliZ Magazine

When I'm alone, I ask, "What's next?" Time moves forward. Sunrise uplifts, sunset soothes. Writing my thoughts -> connecting humans -> sharing purpose.