Artist Showcase: Well-known EMoji IP “2Mrabbit” Designer INBing Partnered with Revival NFT Marketplace

Revival NFT Marketplace
Published in
3 min readNov 18, 2021

Well-known EMoji IP “2Mrabbit” creator INBing joins the “Medici Support Program” of the Revival NFT Marketplace, and some of her NFT works will be listed on Revival soon.

The IP “2Mrabbit” is very popular among the young generation in China; it owns many fans and users on mainstream social media and top content platforms, such as WeChat, Weibo, Zhihu, and Toutiao. Especially on WeChat, “2Mrabbit” emoticons have accumulated 23 million downloads with 1.2 billion sent cumulatively.

In addition, “2Mrabbit” cooperated with other official and well-known creators from Toutiao and Zhihu. The derived works such as illustration series, snack series, five-flower pig series, etc., have been created then, which become a trend among fans.

2Mrabbit’s two rabbits: one with a blue-green tie can eat two catties of vegetables, and the other one with a pink scarf can eat two bowls of rice

As a cooperative emoji IP, the “2Mrabbit” is also active on related platforms in student activities and anniversary celebrations of Tongji University, one of the top universities in China. Meanwhile, its designer INBing also received an invitation for a live video broadcast and exclusive interview on the official media of China Workers’ Daily.

The designer INBing graduated from Waseda University in Japan with a major in Economics and Sociology. As an emoji artist, she also roled as a co-artist on Zhihu, ByteDance, Netease Onmyoji, Sina Weibo, and PicsArt.

The creation of “2Mrabbit” was a random decision, many emojis are also from normal daily life, but “2Mrabbit” surprised her the most, said by INBing.

“I never thought that so many people would use those emoticons. It was inspiring and fulfilling when see its popularity among strangers; besides, I also met many interesting people through my creation and am so glad that we can discuss one more new topic when chatting with my friends.”

“For example, some of my classmates who have added friends but haven’t spoken for a long time, we resumed connection through the content of those emoji; the newly enrolled school girl in my research room downloaded this emoji before knowing me. In addition, the most thrilling and exciting thing for me is even during the interview; the interviewer said they have used my emoticon before, and they were wondering how I designed it.”

With the modern depression culture spreading among young people in Japan and China, “2Mrabbit” gets popular among them accordingly. A lot of young people express their low desire for life, marriage, children, and experience severe social withdrawal. Under the influence of such environment and culture, it is important for one to be connected, and to obtain simple daily happiness and satisfaction.

INBing gives the “2Mrabbit” a rich spiritual connotation that aligns with the current young people’s thoughts. It represents a certain yearning and desire and heals the social depression with tender moments. It looks unresponsive, expressionless, and embarrassed, but it has the magic in positive energy transformation at any time.

The combination of spirit and expression has made the “2Mrabbit” a trend among young people. In other words, the “2Mrabbit” might be your emotional carrier and expression methods, or it may be the incarnation of the Meta Universe.

Revival NFT Marketplace is going to list INBing’s artistic works soon. Stay tuned!

About Revival NFT Marketplace

Revival, developed by EMOGI Team, is the first major multi-chain aggregated NFT marketplace on IOST.

Empowered by blockchain technology, Revival enables the tokenization of the artwork on the chain to generate NFT artworks that are unique and verifiable with their smart contract addresses.

Revival implements the innovative Margin Reward Mechanism for its users. Building on top of the ultra-fast, secure, and gas-efficient IOST blockchain, Revival provides artists and users with seamless experiences to create, buy and sell NFT artworks at decent returns.

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