Improved trading and performance data

Published in
5 min readFeb 3, 2022

Hi Revixer!

At Revix we’re always working to provide you with the most accurate information on your investments and their performance.

For this reason we’ve made two big system upgrades, namely:

  • Units-based trade flows
  • Holding period return

What does this mean for my Revix account?

Units-based trade flows

Our new units-based trade system lets you trade units of an asset rather than the exact predetermined fiat (Rands or Pounds) value.
A unit is an exact count of how much of an asset you want to be traded. For example 0.5 units of BTC is half of an entire Bitcoin.

This might add a little more complexity to your trade, but it is significantly more accurate than selecting a fiat (Rands or Pounds) amount to use, particularly when you are exchanging one cryptocurrency for another.

How does this affect how I transact?
Let’s split this into two sections:

  1. From fiat (Rands and Pounds) transactions and,
  2. From cryptocurrency transactions

From fiat means: The asset you are using to transact with is either Rands or Pounds.

An example of this would be buying Bitcoin with some Rands.

If you are buying a Bundle or single asset like Bitcoin with your Rands or Pounds, there is no difference in how you transact, you’ll simply select the amount of fiat you want to spend on a Bundle or cryptocurrency and we’ll handle the rest.

From cryptocurrency means: The asset that you are using to transact with is a cryptocurrency.

There are two scenarios with “from cryptocurrency” transactions;

  • Selling cryptocurrency into fiat (Rands or Pounds)

An example of this would be selling Bitcoin to Rands.

  • Buying or selling a cryptocurrency with another cryptocurrency

An example of this would be buying Bitcoin with Ethereum .

In both of these cases, the only change you will notice (besides some gorgeous visual tweaks) is that you will no longer be able to set the fiat value of the asset you want to sell, and will have to input the amount of units you want to sell.

But why?

Simply put, at Revix we want you as a customer to get the most value possible out of a transaction, and while our old transaction method was pretty accurate, we wanted to make it better, more accurate and more transparent and by using units when buying or selling from a cryptocurrency, we put you in full control of your assets, to the 8th decimal place — now that’s putting the power into your hands!

We’ve added some screenshots to show you how it works:

Investing with cryptocurrency

In the example above we’re using some Ethereum to invest in Bitcoin. You have two options to decide how much Ethereum to use to make the investment. You can still select a percentage (25%, 50%, 75% or 100%) or you can input the amount of units you want to use. When you’re ready you can click on “Find the best price” to proceed.

Below the input box you can also see the approximate fiat value of the amount you’re going to use (before fees).

Once you’ve selected the unit amount of the cryptocurrency that you’re using to make the investment, you’ll be shown a summary screen just like before with information about your trade, and you’ll be able to confirm it as you would have before. Simply click on “Confirm trade” and we’ll get you the best rate we can find based on the number of units you chose to use to make the investment.

Selling cryptocurrency into fiat

Much like in the example before, when you sell a cryptocurrency or Bundle into fiat (Rands or Pounds) you’ll need to input the amount of units that you want to sell into fiat. When you’re ready you can click on “Find the best price” to proceed.

Once you’ve selected the unit amount of the cryptocurrency that you’re using to make the sale, you’ll be shown a summary screen with information about your trade, and you’ll be able to confirm it as you would have before. Simply click on “Confirm trade” and we’ll get you the best rate we can find based on the number of units you chose to use to make the sale.

Investment and sale summary

Whether you’re investing or selling, the completion summary will be exactly the same as what you’d normally expect, with all the same information as you’d normally get after a transaction.

You can try our new trade flow by choosing an investment here.

Holding period return

Holding period return allows you to view your total return received from holding an asset or portfolio of assets over a specified period of time.

What is Holding Period Return?

Holding Period Return is the total return received from holding an asset or portfolio of assets over a specified period of time.

The Holding Period Return approach will simply look at the closing balance over the opening balance adjusted for any cash flow events, such as: realised gains, redemptions, interest, buys, sells, deposits and withdrawals.

This would mean that the fiat value (Rands or Pounds) return will perfectly match the % return over a specified period.

In summary

We‘re always looking for ways to improve and create value here at Revix. From how we communicate to the tools and measurements we put in place to keep you informed and on top of your financial health.

So if you have any feedback please feel free to reach out to us at to let us know or to ask any questions you may have.

