I will not throw away my shot.

Joshua Reid
2 min readJul 8, 2020


On this “Independence Day” I finally got the pleasure of watching Hamilton: An American Musical. I am enamored not only with Lin Manuel Miranda’s amazing body of work, but also the man that he plays throughout the show.

In watching, I’m forced to reflect on Hamilton’s power; mainly his voice and pen.

A power, when properly used, can turn even the most meager of men into invincible leaders. I hesitate to call any founding father great, and even more-so Hamilton, by virtue of building this country on such a foundation as white supremacy. Although not an active participant, by playing the political game, I noticed his complicity. Yet his work ethic, background, ambition, and cause of abolition are also things to be considered and respected. I suppose no man is perfect, and as long as we’re human, no man will ever be perfect. However, we can strive toward perfection and create a better nation.

Though, I can’t help but feel a certain kinship with Hamilton — a man I have never met and am compelled to dislike from the very nature of his work in this country. A “great” man of ambition, striving to rise above his station, and fight for the things he deemed important. These are characteristics I hold dear to myself because I find them within me.

The way has been laid, but I would be remiss if I didn’t include the obvious gap between Hamilton and I: the color of our skin. Although more in common than different, society rewards a Hamilton far more than the men who play him on Broadway.

So, as I sit here on this hot July 4th afternoon, I am saddened that I yet do not live in a country that would allow those who play founding fathers the same rights of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness written by the actual founding fathers. Yet, ever the optimist, I hope and dream of a time where we will undergo another revolution. One even more powerful than the one that resulted in the birth of this nation.

I hope that day is soon and I will be there when it arrives. My hope in this dream is only matched by my desire to see its end, and the desire that anyone who reads these words is inspired to take up the mantle and fight for what they believe in. Don’t be discouraged. Never lose sight of the goal.

We can do this.

