I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Joshua Reid
2 min readMay 29, 2020
Photograph by SlateMk2

I am tired. So, so very tired. As I sit and watch the anger of my people reach a boiling point, I grow angry with them. Their cries become mine, their words burrow into my mind.

The need for radical change is not only important but essential. I am here to empower my brothers and sisters, you will find no words of apology for rioting, looting, or otherwise. It is very easy to look from the outside and see chaos, but the truth is far more maddening: it’s pain. The community is hurting, as they are marginalized and discriminated against in seemingly every aspect of modern American society. Tensions will only rise as the human rights of these people keep getting trampled and disregarded.

I am not on the ground, yet I can not sit here and do nothing. Below you’ll find some resources including links to donate your money, signing petitions, contacting people in power, and information if you are attending protests and gatherings. I also included links to important black texts from leaders in our community, so you can educate yourselves.

Be safe, and don’t be complacent. Fight the power.


  • Reclaim The Block is a grassroots organization in Minneapolis doing work for people in the area. Donate here
  • Black Visions MN is also doing important on the grounds work in the area. Donate here
  • There is a GoFundMe going to the family of George Floyd, you can donate and show your support.

Sign a petition

Contact the ones in power

  • Mike Freeman, Minneapolis DA: 621–348–5550 (Demand the DA charge all 4 officers with the murder of George Floyd!)
  • Jacob Frey, Major of Minneapolis: 612–673–2100 (Demand the DA Charge all 4 officers!)

Educate yourself

If you are attending a protest…

