Artificial Intelligence & Cyber Security

Mohammad Wasim
Published in
2 min readAug 28, 2018

Chronicle is Alphabet X cybersecurity moonshot company that got launched in January. It will provide “planet-scale” security analytics, combining Google’s existing artificial intelligence, machine learning, infrastructure and “near limitless compute” capabilities. Gillett, Chronicle CEO said “We can work with an average security team and turn them into a great security team,”

Let’s look at how promising is artificial intelligence’s role in the future of cyber security

With the exponential growth of data there is also demand to protect the data. Augmenting security staff won’t solve this issue because the biggest concern of any CISO is that hackers are getting smarter. These hackers have got artificial intelligence based tools and can perform very advanced attacks that are though to detect.

To defend not only data but all the digital asset, the defending security team is left with no choice other than to leverage artificial intelligence into their cyber defense framework which to Gillett’point will enable security to be great security to containing sophisticated attacks.

Now its not about the sharpness or IQ level of security personnel or hacker, it now about who come up w/ better algorithms, automation and horse power to swiftly execute.

How artificial intelligence does it? — Cyber threats are getting complex and traditional security solution can’t keep up the defense properly and accurately. This way artificial intelligence based solution becomes a turning point to provide advanced risk management and threat detection. Artificial intelligence based security solutions comes with advanced security analytics and that helps CISO in moving at the speed of customer’s dynamic requirements

Artificial intelligence assesses the environment to find events and take action against predefined rules. Machine learning allows it to learn and build rules real time so that security posture stays current & relevant, increasing the speed of detection in anomaly activities. Computing power would be key to uphold a strong stance against the incoming threats.



Mohammad Wasim

Technologist, entrepreneur, speaker, coach. Opinions and views are strictly personal