Photo by jypsygen.

Cheeseburgers, Animal Style

Forest Lewis
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2015


You’ll be cruising down the boulevard in Van Nuys with that kind of hunger where even seeing the In-and-Out sign you’ll no longer have any say in the matter, for though you are smarter than cheeseburgers, your stomach, which is never satisfied, will overpower any rational thought and the arrival of the thing-in-itself, hot, odorous, placed before you in the basket, will shut down all but the lowest mental subroutines and the wolf-urge will come over you and only the cheeseburger will exist as if it were the only cheeseburger the world over; first and original, God of Cheeseburgers. Soft, hot, cheesy globules of beef, bun and onions will be devoured in a mindless glut. So you’ll come to cleansing your palette with a long pull of cherry coke, looking up at the palm trees and shopping plaza, the milling migrant workers, the Home Depot — which symbolizes endless years of work yet to achieve — and starting the rented Mazda, you’ll retreat toward yet one more sleepy and satiated afternoon in the valley. Note that this situation can be avoided altogether by a simple, preemptive snack of raw almonds.

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WHAT YOUR WEEK HAS IN STORE is a weekly (-ish) horoscope by Forest Lewis. Find them on Medium.

