Image by Chad Hunter.

The Door To The Future

Forest Lewis
Published in
1 min readOct 12, 2015


There you’ll stand before the door to the future. Only there’s a sign on the door stating: “DO NOT ENTER.” What’s more you’ve been informed by persons-of-importance that some doors “not-just-anyone can operate” and this is one of them. Not-just-anyone seems correct; of course the door can’t be opened by any old assclown off the street, but you are not an assclown nor just anyone, but someone who has a mind, will and justified conviction; someone who knows that though the reason be obscure for why the door to the future’s verboten, the obscurity itself is no obstacle and is even a kind of incentive because you are intelligent and worthy of obscurity. And aren’t persons-of-importance the real assclowns? And you’re as deserving of this rarified “future” as anyone, right? Not to mention you’ve got a crow-bar in your hands — no, make that a key, no sense in property damage — and the key is drawn to its lock, just as you are drawn to the obscure and even though you know that what lies beyond the door may well be unbearable, you know too that you cannot not open the door.

