3 Social Media Mistakes Businesses Still Make

Yan 'James' Aung
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2018

In my biased opinion, the world of digital media & marketing is the most exciting. Due to the ever-changing nature of this field, it is also full of buzzwords and trendy jargon. Many people, including some veteran marketers, fall into some myths of digital marketing and make mistakes as a result.
The following are three common mistakes businesses tend to make when it comes to social media. This is by no means a comprehensive list, but there are simple strategies you can adapt to fix them and they will bring a significant upgrade to your social media game.

Mistake #1: Not having clear objectives
We all know having clear objectives and priorities is crucial to marketing. As digital marketers have more control over delivery methods and optimization options we tend to get lost with all the moving pieces. Ultimately lose sight of a clear call to action or a consistent goal.
A list of common campaign objectives includes: raise brand awareness, get people to engage with your brand, and asking people to do something (for example to buy a particular product). A marketer job here is to decide on ONE objective for each phase of the campaign. If you are unsure or have more than one priority, it is a sign that you need to rethink your campaign.
Once an objective is set, you should communicate this goal with all the stakeholders involved in the campaign. Only when everybody is informed of the goal, can your campaign manager, designer, copywriter and media buying specialist effectively run the campaign.

Mistake #2: Not measuring results that matter
We have another blog post that delves deeper into this topic, so I highly recommend giving that one a read. The digital advertisement gives us access to data we’ve never seen before, sometimes in real time. The problem now is: which data should we pay more attention to? And how can the data make a positive impact on business decisions?
Many businesses enter the world of data by focusing their attention on the most obvious metrics — reach, reactions, etc. These numbers are easy to observe but at the end of the day, they may not be relevant at all to your actual objectives. The right way to approach this is to start with your campaign or business objective and decide your metrics accordingly. For example, if your objective is to increase awareness, then look at reach and frequency. If your objective is to increase sales, then you have to establish metrics that are a little more complicated to link social media with sales results.

Mistake #3: Limiting yourself to Facebook
This mistake is more common in Myanmar. Betting that Facebook will always work in our favor is a dangerous game to play. Depending on your business, try to diversify your channels with a website, Instagram, YouTube and others.
The first step is to try to understand where your current customers and potential customers are. More consumers, especially the younger generations, are using platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat. If they’re your main target audience, meeting them at the platforms they prefer will give you more success.
If you are unsure which platform would be the best for your brand, consider social listening tools like Zanroo or Bindez. By giving these tools a keyword (or a few) that’s relevant to your brand, they can search all social media to see where these keywords are mentioned and discussed the most. The result of these searches can help you decide on the platforms where you can receive the most attractions.

If you are interested in having a Facebook page that makes your marketing spending worthwhile, please contact Revo at hello@revotech.co.



Yan 'James' Aung
Writer for

Data loving entrepreneur, techno-enthusiast, born marketer