Getting friendly with TypeScript (part 3): Generics

Sammy-Jo Wymer
REWRITE TECH by diconium
5 min readNov 1, 2022


This article is intended for anyone who is trying to get to grips with the world of TypeScript.

It is recommended to read part 1 and part 2 before reading this article.

This article will cover:

  • Generics 🥭
  • Lots of simple code examples 🪄
Photo by Avinash Kumar on Unsplash

In part 1 we introduced the basic concepts of TypeScript and in part 2 we delved a little bit deeper into these concepts. In part 3, we’re going to venture further still and expand our knowledge as we introduce some new topics.

This is still very much a ‘beginner’s guide’ and we’re going to keep things simple, so sit back and relax. Enjoy the ride.


At first, I found Generics really difficult to understand. But after a lot of reading and tutorials, I’ve found a simpler way to understand them.

What are Generics? I hear you ask…

Generics basically provide a way to create reusable components.

This probably means nothing to you right now, but hopefully the following examples will make it clear.

The most simple example of a Generic is Array.

NOTE: When we create arrays in TypeScript, we have to specify the type of the array between angle brackets, e.g., Array<string> would be a string array.

An array without Generics could contain anything:

Array with any type in TypeScript
simple Array types in TypeScript

In the screenshots above, you can see that we create a type called anyArray which takes the any type. This means that the array can hold any values.

Essentially, we ‘turn off’ TypeScript when we use the any type.

An array with Generics, however, can describe the values that the array contains:

array with Generics

It’s called a Generic because we can put any type between the <>and this will change the array type.

numArray will only allow an array of numbers
stringArray will only allow an array of string
booleanArray will only allow an array of booleans

The examples above are nice but they don’t allow for flexibility. This is where Generics really shine. Let’s take a look with some more examples…

First, it’s good to note that <T>is typically used to describe a Generic. This T simply stands for ‘type’.

Generic example

In the above screenshot, we have created an interface Person which has firstName, secondName, age and randomInfo as properties.

This big difference to previous examples we have seen so far is that we have Person<T> and our randomInfo property is of type T. Ok, what on earth does this mean?

Well, by using <T>, this makes the interface more flexible. You can add any type here.

Generic example

In the example above, I have assigned Person<object> and so randomInfo has to be of type object.

If we try to assign a value that is incompatible with type object, we get an error:

Generic error example

We can also use Generics for functions:

function in TypeScript example

In the example above, we have created a function called returnLastElement which takes an array of numbers and returns the last number in this array.

This function works fine, but we can make it even more flexible by using Generics:

function with Generics example

In the example above, we have changed the array type that the function accepts from Array<number>to Array<T>which means the function can accept an array of any type, and will return the last element of this array.

By using <T> instead of <number>, this makes the function more flexible.

NOTE: The syntax looks a little scary here, but don’t worry about it too much. Just know that this is the syntax you should for Generics in functions.

Photo by Pineapple Supply Co.:

More Generic examples:

Generic type example

The example above shows us how we can create a tuple that must take the same type for both arguments.

Generics type example
Generics type practical example

With this Pair type, we can create other types. The example above creates a type Coordinate which is type Pair<number> meaning it must be a tuple of two numbers.

Generics type example
Generics type practical example

We can also use the Pair type to create a time span. In the example above, we create a type TimeSpan which has to be a tuple of two dates.

So, hopefully now you have a better idea of what Generics are. You don’t need to be an expert at this point, but just having a basic understanding of Generics and how they work will help you to understand a lot more TypeScript code.

For example, you’re now ready to understand Utility types.

Urgh, another new thing. What are these then?

If you’re feeling curious, you can read about some of the most common utility types in the next article: ‘Getting friendly with TypeScript: part 4’

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If you enjoyed this article, you might enjoy other articles from the ‘Getting friendly with…’ series:

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Getting friendly with git: a super-friendly beginner’s guide

Getting friendly with TypeScript (part 1): a super-friendly beginner’s guide

Getting friendly with TypeScript (part 2): a super-friendly beginner’s guide

Keep challenging yourself and remember, being uncomfortable means you are growing.

