3 Brilliantly Simple Remedies For Aching Feet After Your Shift

Less than 15 minutes to make your feet brand new.

Yini Chua
3 min readMar 5, 2018


Photo by Camila Damásio on Unsplash

Welcome to our Unhappy Feet Series, exploring how people working in F&B can take better care of their feet. We seek expert advice from podiatrists and TCM physicians on pre and post-shift tips.

We know. Ten-hour shifts aren’t easy, and at the end of the daily grind in the kitchen or on the floor, you’re totally exhausted. Knackered. Drained.

You just want to crawl into bed and rest your aching limbs.

But those sore legs and feet could lead to long-term injuries.

At Pulse TCM Clinic, Physician Vivian Lee has seen many patients from the F&B industry, with pain in their heels, ankles and knees.

So for those who don’t have the time to see a physician, here are her recommended tried-and-tested remedies that can be done in just 15 minutes:

#1: Warm Footbath


Simple soaking of feet in warm water can be surprisingly effective in promoting blood circulation, according to TCM physicians.

This is because six meridians (liver, gall bladder, kidneys, stomach, spleen) are located at the feet, which are connected to various parts of the body.

What to do:

So after a long day, soak your feet in warm water of around 38-40 degree Celsius for about 10–20 minutes.

Add a pinch of salt and a few slices of ginger to reduce tiredness.

#2: Ankle Rotations


Stiff ankles can add stress to your foot and legs, leading to painful conditions in other parts of your body, such as the knees and back.

A simple preventive exercise like ankle rotations help loosen stiff joints around the foot, as well as muscles and tendons in your leg.

What to do:

Rotate your ankle in a clockwise direction, followed by anti-clockwise, every night for about two minutes.

Not only does this exercise help prevent injuries, it also improves flexibility and range of motion — important for people who are on their feet for practically the whole day!

#3: Massage (Yourself)

No masseuse? No sweat.

If you have aching ankles and calves, this simple self-massage hack is perfect for you.

What to do:

Using your fist, massage upwards in one direction — from the inner ankle area to to inner knee area.

Repeat at least 5 times for each leg.

Estimated time to make your feet feel brand new: 15 minutes.

