A Letter To You

It’s all about celebrating people and experiences, one story at a time.

Yini Chua
2 min readFeb 13, 2018


We’ve had a lot of people coming to us and asking, what is Rezhelp about? So I realised it’s due time we wrote a letter to you, our community and readers.

Rezhelp isn’t just a platform that writes about F&B. We stand for something.

There are tons of websites that focus on food, drinks and ambience. But what about the people?

I’ve talked to many people in F&B, and every single time, I’m in awe of the things they do. It’s a physically punishing, high-risk, (mostly) low-paying career with little gratification but the pride people take in their work.

This is why Rezhelp is all about people and their experiences.

We explore stories, work culture and lifestyles of this amazing community — not as a subset, but as a core philosophy.

The sustainability in F&B lies in its people. This is why we want to create an F&B Community for people who love what they do.

I love working in F&B. I love listening to people’s stories. I love writing and creating content. So although my F&B stints are only part-time and I feel just a fraction of how professionals feel, Rezhelp is my way of using our (mine and our team) content skills to fill in the missing pieces.

We want to change perceptions on F&B as a career; confront stereotypes head-on; celebrate inspiring people; help people become more well versions of themselves.

We’re by no means perfect, and there are no visions of grandeur of what we want to do.

But we’re happy to help in small ways, bring an important topic out in the open, create conversations, make people feel appreciated.

We care about the people we write about. This means spending time face-to-face, and getting to know them on a more personal level.

What does passion really mean to people who are pulling 12 to 16 hour shifts, facing the heat of the kitchen or floor?

Don’t get me wrong. Passion is important, but it’s not the only factor that keeps F&B people going when things get tough. That’s what we set out to discover — people’s personal stories that offer a richer sense of their complexities and profound learning points. This is beyond what a simple email interview can do.

Simply put, we are just storytellers who want to make the lives of those in the F&B community better, one story at a time.

No matter who you are, I thank you for reading this, and I hope you’ll stay with us as we continue to grow.

-Yini Chua, Founder

