So You Want to “Self”-Improve?

Immanuel R. Knight
1 min readNov 29, 2016


So you want to “self”-improve?
Well I’ve got news for you:
A million words cannot contain
The absence of one’s love obtain

Why beg for change, when you so are,
Designed by fate, from outer-star?
Look past the mirror! So clear the scar
(Remember love, and you’ll go far)

Can’t recall your purpose though?
Mission Earth, our status below:
“To boldly love and boldly go”
(Surely this you must so know)

You could seek for money,
This indeed is true…
Or perhaps you’ll quest for passion,
All those faces you want to woo?

But why chase after ghosts,
When life is but a dream?
You think I’m lying? Just ask ole Einstein…
(Those looks aren’t what they seem)

So you want to “self”-improve?
Well I’ve got advice for you:
Simply be,
Be simply true;
Live and love,

Bid “self” adieu



Immanuel R. Knight

Don’t let the dark times get you down. Wandering ways with words.