Introducing Rezza AI: the intelligent solution for complex data analytics.

The AI-powered platform that automates complex data analytics.

Kevin Kirkpatrick
Rezza AI
5 min readFeb 26, 2018


Today marks a significant milestone in our journey to build a better way for people to derive meaning from data. We’ve incubated, tested, and adapted our idea behind closed doors. But the time has come to share it with the world. Without further ado, allow us to introduce Rezza, the data platform that transforms complex data into revenue-generating insights.

Why we built Rezza.

Over the past few years we, like many, realized that the data faucet morphed into a firehose. As the hose grew wider and more powerful, the tools in the analytics industry focused on tools that did little more than rearrange data into dashboards. They collectively created the second-class permanence of dull dashboards, boring presentations, and trivial charts. While they satisfied some companies needs, many were left wanting more. Without the time, resources, or capital to fully leverage the value derived by data science/analytics teams, many have watched as the data-driven world passed right by them. Furthermore, these tools presented serious barriers to entry, including

  1. Large up-front investments (hiring, software licenses, etc.)
  2. Dark data silos and functional bottlenecks
  3. Delayed time and access to revenue-generating insights

After talking with dozens of companies, we realized that people were drowning. They didn’t care about dashboards, fancy slides, or charts and graphs. They just wanted to understand how they could leverage their data to make intelligent decisions, today.

That’s why we are excited to announce Rezza — the only way to automatically detect actionable trends and outliers within all of your sales, marketing, and customer data.

What is Rezza?

Rezza is an analytics platform powered by artificial intelligence. It’s designed to automatically connect, analyze, and distill all of your data into actionable insights that help you make better, data-driven decisions. As your data flows from your CRM, your website, and your marketing tools Rezza analyzes every potential connection, then detects trends and outliers and delivers a distilled digest to your inbox. The data — and subsequent insights — no longer exist in silos. It’s the modern analytics platform designed to reimagine the way people interact with data.

Today, most BI/analytics tools focus on managing data instead of working with your data. The grammatical change is essential because it helps teams rethink what it means to be data-driven. Instead of swimming against the constant flow of data, use the flow of data to propel your business forward.

How does Rezza work?

Let’s be honest; you don’t need more dashboards. Dashboards were an excellent first step towards organizing and visualizing the data glut. But they quickly reached their limit, leaving you wanting — and asking for — more. You stare blankly at them wondering, “What am I looking for?” or “How can I use this data to improve my business?” Sadly, they’ll never be able to actually answer these questions. But Rezza can help.

“What gets measured gets managed.”

— Peter Drucker

The infamous quote from Mr. Drucker has worked it’s way into the fabric of everyday business, becoming a mantra of sorts for those who seek to build the best products, services, and companies in the world. As implied, metrics still require management, which is where your insight journey falls apart. With Rezza, you can set it and forget it (well, sort of). Imagine you decide you’d like to increase new users by 10% in Q2. Great, just tell Rezza and we’ll automatically track and analyze your progress, notifying you of important trends and outliers that occur along the way. Instead of spending time tracking your efforts and managing your results, Rezza does the hard work so you can focus on making changes that impact your business.

Automated Reporting

We don’t believe in creating boring slides or dashboards. We think the best insights come from data analysis and collaboration. Rezza’s automated reporting takes the hard work out, leaving you more time to focus on what matters to you.

AI-Powered Insights

Real business happens at a breakneck pace. Don’t get stuck constantly managing metrics and KPIs. Rezza’s Insight Engine is your hyper-productive data science and BI team, all in one automated system. Each day our Insight Engine combs through 100% of your data to detect outliers and trends that are worth focusing on. Never miss a major change in your data again. Now you’re probably wondering what type of insights Rezza actually produces, right?

Example Insights from Rezza AI

  • Audience Segments — understand which audiences are underperforming or excelling so you can optimize your spend.
  • Competitor Averages — know how your metrics compare to your competition and find new ways to lead the pack.
  • Metric Anomalies — know when metrics are rapidly rising or falling and take action right away.
  • Ad Target Optimization — sometimes you miss the target audience and need to correct (e.g. females, age 24–35), Rezza provides the info you need.
  • Creative Refresh — stale creative producing a decline in ad effectiveness? Rezza delivers insights on performance to help you stay on top.

Every business has a different definition of value. But every company is looking for one thing: a way to transform raw data into actionable insights. Rezza automates the analysis process, saving you time, money, and effort in discovering what matters most in your data. Whether you’re in marketing, product, sales, or finance, Rezza can help you make better data-driven decisions.

Ready to Automate Your Data Analysis?

The future of analytics is intelligent, adaptive, and collaborative. Metrics and KPIs are no longer reflective of what’s important in your business. They’re a relic of a bygone era. The future of business analytics is coming, and Rezza is ready to help your company meet the challenge head-on. Are you ready? If so, create your free account today and take advantage of our offer by using the code “WELCOME18” to get 30% off your Pro or Enterprise account upgrade!

If you’re interested in seeing Rezza in action, you can also reach out to schedule a demo. Whether you’re deep in the data analysis woods or just beginning your data journey, Rezza will improve the way you interact with data. Forever.

Originally published at



Kevin Kirkpatrick
Rezza AI

Publisher of Chief Product Officer at Previously: @invisionapp , @deloittedigital , @blackpixel