Rhove Blog
Published in
3 min readJun 25, 2022


“The only possible way then of preserving the balance of power on the side of equal liberty and public virtue, is to make the acquisition of land easy to every member of society: to make a division of land into small quantities, so that the multitude may be possessed of land estates.”
John Adams, Constitutional Framer and 2nd president of the U.S, 1776

Imagine a world where there are no barriers to invest in the assets around us. A world where we can walk through a city, admire a building shooting up toward the clouds, and with the click of a button instantly own a piece of it.

Imagine a world where we not only interact within our communities, but are able to invest in the places we live, work, and play. This is the vision we are striving for. With no barriers to entry, creativity in the financial markets will be unlocked, enabling opportunities for experiences and wealth creation that have yet to be realized. This is innovation at its core, and it’s what drives us here at Rhove.

Investing in real estate and other real world assets should be simple. No longer should a fund manager, real estate syndicator, or company owner have to set up numerous meetings to pitch and market to people solely within their network. Nor should investors have to manually find projects and teams to invest in, while going through long, drawn out pitches. Investing in real estate should be possible with as little as $1 in one minute. This is a more efficient world, one with equal access to opportunity.

Our belief is that anyone should be able to own a piece of their community, whether they are a young college student just beginning their investment journey, or a hard working professional planning on retirement. Our world-class team is committed to achieving this vision — we believe the only barrier to opportunity should be your own imagination.

This Summer, we are launching Rhove, the Coinbase of Real Estate. With Rhove, anyone can invest in individual commercial real estate assets with as little as $1. We do this through an accessible and easy to understand experience that creates a new way to invest in and own real estate. Simply set up an account, create a profile, and start building a portfolio like a real estate mogul in less than a minute.

Rhove is only the beginning, it is our beachhead product that will not only expand access and opportunity to invest in real estate, but on-ramp millions of people into web3. We built our use-case first — lowering the barriers to invest in real estate to $1 — and then integrated web3 solutions. Next, we will make private assets liquid and facilitate global DeFi equity markets that usher in a new era of bankless real estate transactions.

Our mission is to remove barriers, expand access, unlock creativity, and enable new experiences in real estate. We believe open finance technology will support greater autonomy and a better quality of life for people around the world.

We see a future of meeting investors where they are regardless of their income, status, or time availability — all while tapping into new markets and bringing in a new wave of global capital.

Join us to help revolutionize the way people finance real estate. Get $5 to invest in your first property by signing up here: rhove.com/refer/1GXKDC

Let’s build a better world together.

Learn more by downloading our app from the Apple app store or go to…

Website: https://rhove.com/
FAQs: https://rhove.com/forums/75964b93-9c31-4a98-8fe6-78f32ab5148b
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Rhove_App
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rhove.app/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tokrlabs/



Rhove Blog

Rhove makes investing in real estate fast, simple, and easy, allowing anyone to invest in their community for as little as $1.