The Rbit Shop is now deploying for beta…time to get aboard!

Rhovit Platform
Published in
4 min readNov 14, 2019

Today we are opening up the second pillar of RHOVIT, the Rbit Shop. If you have been following us you know we have been working on this for awhile, so we’re excited to be bringing it out for it’s debut!

Before we get to far into our plans for the future of the shop and why it’s such an important part of the ecosystem we’re building…lets just take a look at how it works and how it all ties together…

Content page on RHOVIT

Everything begins with RHOVIT and earning Rbit Tokens. When you register for an account you receive 50 Points. The points are used to unlock content — essentially these points are like money you are donating to the creator for watching or reading their content.

As you can see, every time you do that you earn Loot back. Collect 20 loot and get 1 Rbit token.

Rbit Shop

This brings us to the Rbit Shop. Why is it called the Rbit Shop? Because you can use the Rbits you earned to get discounts!

Asset Page

Sellers have the option to offer Rbit discounts on their items and you can choose if you want to spend them or pay regular price. Payment options include USD / BTC / ETH.

Every time you make a purchase in the shop you also earn Points back, allowing you to watch more content and earn more Rbits!

You can view items you’ve purchased under My Goods and track when they’ve been sent.

Is the Rbit Shop based on any specific blockchain?

No. We are blockchain agnostic. Once a sale is made the sellers are then responsible for sending the purchased items.

How come you haven’t built the site on blockchain?

We want to make the shop as easy to use as possible for everyone. Users can buy with their Paypal, no cryptocurrency needed, and in an upcoming release won’t even need to input a wallet. The item will simply be stored in their RHOVIT account until they are ready to claim it.

Who can sell on RHOVIT?

Right now we are open to game devs, and originators of token goods, merchandise etc. We are not currently a second market.

Do you have plans to allow trading/selling among users in the shop?

Eventually, yes, we would like to create a system where users can do that right on RHOVIT.

How can I start selling on RHOVIT?

During this beta phase we are creating all shops and uploading all items. You just need to contact us at or visit our Seller’s Page and fill out the form.

What are Hotlists?

We created Hotlists for both sellers and buyers. Hotlists allow the sellers to gauge interest in a certain item, and they allow users to get an exclusive buying window for in demand items. Only Hotlist members will be able to purchase the item during the first 2 hours it is on sale. It’s also usually when you will get your biggest discounts!

How come the Rbit Shop has limited content?

Right now we are in beta and not open for sellers to run their own accounts. As we continue to test and eventually let sellers sign up and control their own “Universes”, more and more content will be loaded on. We would like to give a special thanks to Ether Legends, Space Misfits, Spirit Clash and everyone on the shop for partnering with us during our beta.

Where do you guys see fitting in among sites like Opensea and Enjin?

Those marketplaces are incredible but our focus is really on creating a Kickstarter and beyond environment for blockchain games. An environment which includes physical merchandise along with token backed assets, and a fully functioning ecosystem that constantly rewards everyone involved.

How do I keep earning Rbits on RHOVIT if I am out of points?

Every week new points are distributed. If you have spent points during the week, you will get points back. If you need more, you can also purchase Point Packs with a credit card. In an upcoming release you will also be able to use certain cryptos to purchase packs.

Is there a way to just buy Rbits?

No. Rbits can only be earned on the platform. We are not doing an ICO, IEO, STO or any other type of sale of the token.

To celebrate the kickoff of the shop we are holding a giveway. Prices include 1000 Enj token, Spirit Clash items, and T-Shirt of choice from the Rbit Shop. Be sure to enter!


For all updates follow us on Telegram.

To start earning Rbits and getting discounts on awesome items visit RHOVIT.



Rhovit Platform
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A Hybrid Cloud and Blockchain Digital Content Platform that Rewards Users and Allows Providers to keep 100% of Earnings.