About Rhyme Zone

Why We Exist

Dan Foster
Rhyme Zone


I remember walking through an art gallery one day with a friend. We walked through a section full of abstract paintings… colorful blobs and lines depicting God-knows-what. My friend turned to me and asked, “Do you like abstract art?”

I thought about this for a second and then I answered, “I don’t think an artist should attempt abstract art until they can successfully paint a landscape or a portrait… anyone can throw paint at a canvas.”

Now, in an artistic sense, my response was probably insensitive to abstract artists everywhere, but hear me out. Sometimes, when I read free-verse poetry I feel like the author is just throwing words on a page, like an abstract artist throws paint at a canvas…. not always, of course! But sometimes!

Now, while I fully appreciate the artistry of many free-verse poems… the ones that are well-considered, well-constructed and well-thought out, here is the challenge for poets. If you can’t write a good rhyming verse, then what business do you have smashing words together haphazardly and calling it poetry?

There, I said it.

On Medium, I have read some incredible poetry, and some incredibly awful poetry — most of it, free-verse. The quality rhyming poetry is harder to find, and I certainly can’t locate it in one place. This is why Rhyme Zone exists! To bring together rhyming poets to share their original rhyming verse.

If you have rhyming poetry to share, then please share it with us. On the other hand, if you have consigned yourself to free-verse poetry only, then I challenge you to have a go at writing a good rhyming verse and contribute to this publication as well!

I love rhyming poetry! I just can’t get enough of it! There is something magical about the rhythm and meter of rhyming verse. It is beautiful! I hope you enjoy Rhyme Zone!



Dan Foster
Rhyme Zone

Writer, Poet, Blogger: Tackling life, faith, culture, religion, politics, and spirituality. Connect with me: https://linktr.ee/DanFosterWriter