The Great Cold

An Epic

Sochukwu Ivye
Rhyme Zone
23 min readJul 11, 2020


Photo by Adam ChPhoto on Unsplash

Who will plunge a tree should grow it tallest

and find ill winds render the height smallest

It fails eyes that the slight lives wrestle man

and hold fast all the while gracing their plan

The giant enthrals and fights vicious hearts

where sway-craving demi-beings fling darts

This scares me into which I seek to breathe

I knew not how else I should bear or seethe

My breath, the fell pneumonia and this draft

I know not whose fight will last grasp a haft

Greatest heights sag; the sturdiest collapse

This is the spirit with which days now lapse

I am not made of brass which does not rust

Hence, I will trail our twin hearts to the dust

My mind lays no exact ear nor eye schooled

I yet not smell when earth will rout, so ruled

I should pay my art that does thirst for juice

God most high, Lord of all crafts, do me use

My mind may, past my tongue, tell far fluent

but I shall heed that my thoughts not truant

This garland virus does no fair thought help

but my pen wears no eyes nor knows a kelp

They that cut a yam when in haste they dug

would slow to unearth the tail earth did hug

Hot soup should be licked around its edges

To essay straight, this task, my pen pledges

Here is a tale of lives, cats and winged mice;

how man fronts their rebellion and the price

The winged mice click, but disrupt silly ears

They blind easy eyes and sink them in tears

Those dark-sky beasts and the sinister cats

trick the judgement of men who repel gnats

I know not what snake is young in the teeth

nor what centipede yet breathes in a sheath

How water made past the pumpkin’s handle

my slight mind probes with a lighted candle

The arrow cast upwards cannot sleep there

One’s shadow will bear one till one’s last lair

The brow of the sky lifts in grief well etched

because man has harvested the far-fetched

Roused of the East, arresting past the West,

an eastern cold gusts and distracts our rest

It creeps through the air, behind the senses

and without limbs, strikes against defences

The eye of the sky is numb, and lives freeze

but sin to hurt, cough up sputum or sneeze

Grieved rest the diseased by a starved virus

An ill which, of else lives, breathes desirous

A close trade of presence fashions a bridge

through which nasal and oral droplets ridge

Stray droplets perch on the skins of objects

to which, by a loose hand, the face subjects

A fortnight next will have brought the result

Three days on the score finds its peak exult

The score, its hunger for roaming may pass

It still does proofs in the non-scored amass

Six-day old symptoms do the ill ached pluck

In six weeks, all jinxed cases are stiff-struck

Man is stuck in cobwebs and in vain stalled

This is a fright with which we are enthralled

If the mushroom lives a slave to the ground,

it sprouts from the waist of a stem aground

The sun has failed to awake from his house

to cleanse this epoch of the brooding louse

This age is such dressed in just made attire

Our thanks meet China who did all conspire

May we summon the Asian for handshakes

Laud the omnivores for a world that quakes

They well munched this epoch into a cough

such that man serves to a microbe a trough

It sugars the mouth that pains the buttocks

Men with puffy eyes may let their stomachs

Cure seekers who processed bat carcasses

may see that their toil, for praise, canvasses

The human crown is bowed and in our eyes

Man bows and brooks a fall, and nature rise

Who turned a palm frond and saw a serpent

would place it back or spurn and not repent

The two-legged featherless animal swerves

and keeps along, as he observes his nerves

But some singular hearts best savour fright

Certain full fledged ears position word-tight

Now, devouring meat-eaters who crunch all

exalt between neighbours a chest-high wall

The spirit of this age bears a strange breath

He gives out ill and strikes a dance of death

Students of life trace this terror to schemes

Finders, poets and seers bear fresh themes

It finds my head with threnodies consumed

and inks my nib with a verse of the doomed

I should not mouth a dirge, or spend my nib

but my fingers it has thwacked with a squib

In a cold sweat, they scratch for a keyboard

to word pieces of my mind made road-ward

These troubled shreds venture on a journey

to seek them that keep up with this tourney

My twin hearts and I heed these tragic bells

fetch our art of letters more leaves of spells

By way of faces — minds with earth acquaint

If not the mouth, the heart would retire faint

All minds still store all that did us hoodwink

My heart does my pen plugged into him, ink

When the months of our year arose in pride,

the twenty-fifth of the second moon sighed

She had divined the kite to sweep our clime

which would snake in, clearly amid her time

We had kept Christmas and its year’s plenty

and the new year: two thousand and twenty

We had kept the year of more smiles on lips

when vile lives from behind made to eclipse

This plague would not swoosh past Nigeria

was he schooled we trounce harsh bacteria

The fifty-eighth dawn of the year woke grief

Our minds watched it not intrude like a thief

What our Italian guest much thrived to host,

had flown past his seat shooting outermost

Augury students would astray have begged

that visitors be, straight on the way, pegged

Foul news is brought by March the eleventh

that, in thirteen years, men bear the seventh

Keep this threatening rainstorm from falling

Heavens, if you bear, save us from squalling

The rise of a plague says the all-health desk

Breeds of this age tell new to the grotesque

Marked an open air walker none should join

our fright asks each to cast within, a groyne

This strain only caught life and has no balm

As we seek for a way, he wreaks more harm

Care givers bear clues from sick old epochs

Each day holds newer bits of the health box

Each day shows us her safest roads to take

Lives choke; and the enemy our flaws make

We never did bear this nor were we maimed

but spy this affliction straight at man aimed

I feel it could expend some time and means

So, my blank leaf covets to wear the scenes

I board a train whose stop men do not bode

I might quite soon alight for some else road

Either way, I will have filled these live blanks

if the scythe bearer not plays her fell pranks

Should the grim reaper betide without signs

to the wind, rains or fire might my lone lines

All lines would bury earth, water and clouds

A view of which would win me jolly shrouds

Most hearts lodge homelike for a pandemic

The theft of breath, mid most, tells endemic

While some eyes fail its life or mien, or both,

the science of weighing declares its growth

How we did earn the baneful broom, we ask

Our heads covered with loads it will yet task

We wrench into our skins bearing our angst

and nurturing that not to our roots chanced

God cheats not, we hold, so ills do us wreck

The white who lie in means may do it check

To lay on the first things our hands just itch

That is more covid, or our worlds we switch

Our skins wear the heart of the better made

and the yet-to-fall states’ pride so conveyed

One may stitch shut the eyelids of the hawk

that flies with its wings astride a weak flock

The mortal shadow pulls all that keep close

Quick legs set out on a move, fleeing throes

The great stream would not drown anybody

with whose legs it not met, and rest shoddy

State leads tell: a lockdown for a few weeks

and we see one which of no set end speaks

Shutting the earth from its roof is so carved

during which the sly intruder dwells starved

Our eyes and hearts sit up to what happens

Dim they feel but their cold rims it sharpens

We concede to feel the turning globe stilled

Thus, do a lifeless and tiresome world build

Cities are locked up and fretful legs banned

Who makes home late is left out of the land

How early, price growth and famine is smelt

Blows of panic-shopping are to stores dealt

Who saw gates and walls even to be locked

here ply basics in their houses well stocked

Migrants stuck away, more seclusion baths

As if casting stones, roving feet seize paths

Noted sights bed ugly that sold guidebooks

Terminals that fed passports bear dry looks

In order that one will preserve one’s phlegm

field affairs divorce scenes wedded to them

Now breathe daily schemes, to the air, given

No route lies, through which traffic is driven

Yet-living trades do breaths of else air catch

Schoolmates and worshippers on air attach

Known amusement houses, to the air, move

Distant souls let their bonds, on air, improve

Picked minds that do the art in the air grasp

comprise thin hands who cannot do it clasp

Hands that ate together now wave goodbye

We are snatched by a break without the sky

Are these Adam’s first days when man idled

and reaped the earth, in freedom unbridled?

Noses grudged the gas of life stick farthest

but do warhorses’ breasts’ armours harvest

Who taught their child: genitals are covered

felt that their mind still on the nose hovered

Every hand bears Ignaz Semmelweis’ words

Bathing a falling stream or glove, each girds

China smears his hands; ours swim a lather

He wears dread; we shoo our fellows, rather

While he defiles gases which gird the globe,

all else do their procedures for health probe

As they infect their houses and compounds

all elsewhere do surface cleaning, in rounds

Their diets walk their pores as some poison

while we avoid others whose skins moisten

A kung fu scheme though mimes an animal

crafts health and judgement at the maximal

The world wall but rock knows an ill crevice

Man pulls an abrupt discharge from service

Like some regulus prompt to wed with gold

hostile states quicken to build a stronghold

Eyes wear the teeth of combs on the ill cast

weighing its here and there, future and past

Hours erase their visages; days, their miens

Our souls evade us, scratching for vaccines

Those that live as one grab the art of health

Nothing outweighs staying alive; not wealth

The clock says life; no ambitions nor trades

Who can breathe has other lovely cascades

A young palm frond, still to unwrap, shrivels

but fails the blind eyes if the grieved snivels

Children are like lonely flowers wind-tossed

So mild and lost, it soon does them exhaust

Who took the winged train to foreign clinics

now relent on some field healthcare picnics

The richest and their bronze monies sunder

They freeze at this monstrous virus-wonder

The moneyed dispense vast copper monies

to charm fortune, and assume kind bunnies

The refuges of abodes, the chiefs of realms,

grind molars jointly while fright overwhelms

Our forerunners who merely lose their mirth

summon a long-haired star to kiss the earth

Our youth may be just while they hold aloud

that this bane seeks but the richly endowed

The wealthy return home from far countries

Their companions at most kiss their entries

The rich traverse through soils of this covid

They are kept, and the rest shooed like Ovid

The wealthy and ailling are the most-served

where others inflicted stay back self-nerved

Well, downcast souls look up to the steeple

sects, creeds and classes become a people

Heads sit else ways to lead the eyes abroad

How our visions turn revised casts us awed

This age gives us a new hunch of our breed

Now, strangers to our clout tenant our heed

Our care-givers and corps take up the cross

All else stretch out in their beds like a moss

Now breathes the chief strife of the century

when most hearts not catch its worst injury

The front line cry well seized by our fighters

Our healthcare leads rouse the field igniters

Mouths sing praises of the victors war-kept

Minds greet offers of their leisures ill swept

Man has so not vanquished Covid-nineteen

but the triumph woos his mind and as keen

A clash of bullets, and blades would quaver

Ours foils wide eyes but not meets a waiver

The brave strike their way to an other world

They make to a hell to foil the source furled

Who invades Satan’s land must do else ripe

You not try his seat nor from a length snipe

They who do find not home in their number

They all may submit to the strange slumber

Bright news greets home, even if ill luck ails

A barred voice tries to ring of hope and fails

We bath under droplets yowling from eaves

and gulp drips of water bawling from leaves

Forty days have found our sit-at-home push

Meanwhile, its extension staged an ambush

Who earned every day are seized in the toils

They fall ill, whose lips this dry spell not oils

Caught in the snake-coil wheel of a cyclone,

into the soil man’s forked roots scurry sown

We can brace ourselves like algae in chains,

to wreck this plague, or honour our remains

Our age lays sages composed as the young

who are eyes over their soils like the tongue

The tongue is one deft dweller of the mouth

It sways the realm from its west to its south

Marking the nooks of all that lurk and prowl,

it spreads about the walls as though an owl

Our fathers bore dusky days; these are ours

All hands bind to reclaim the free lost hours

Their god does fell them where anyone falls

The rest limp till their last gasps and pitfalls

There lie the feet of whom the earth chases

One who fights with oneself nothing graces

The distance mid thumb and the fifth finger

does prompt their eyes on each other linger

Most legs sent indoors do not bear the trait,

while they simulate the crab’s sideward gait

We quite veer from our own selves horrified

playing the snail’s shell turned half to a side

This home confinement lives with a manual

To sleep, dine, bath, and again reads factual

A poor man’s day unfurls late; grief eats him

May no one ask others what lake they swim

A lifetime swept by techniques and science

Warfield lovers quake in home convenience

Men pushed animals to brawl in deep holes

Now, animals pull men’s fight for their souls

Flag-wavers who bore fiery guns and knives

cannot sit behind doors and keep their lives

Man may conceive how animals judge zoos

A caged fine-limbed creature lives an abuse

I have, all through my life, itched to lie down

but on this short-stay prison I should frown

Lives we miss, we know you too do us miss

Hope leads us towards the path to our bliss

If these days pass and you not bear us next

do not thus hold that our love too fell hexed

We strain past our roles for the least to give

but all eyes are fought over which souls live

Many are crushed and many grown ill numb

Some lose their way; on a newer path, some

These are days set to lash man as they look

My bones say torn apart; my limbs, ill-shook

Scratching plagues him a lot that lice attack

He not tells when he does on his poo snack

Our breeding lockdown has a new daughter

Who not saw this plunge in earth and water

Dwellers across oceans, to hold home, earn

Our very statesmen do our hurt pleas spurn

Relief grants from larger hands make fables

While in fact food and meat blind our tables

Most men tell not else ways to fetch money

They live on the past that came most sunny

These are no fertile times to grow business,

but hunger torments more than unwellness

The skin wears no prickles and rests frozen

When itching grows hard, it greets the open

Who heeds the fear beyond walls no longer,

has been kindled and chased out by hunger

Their skins lie in the pupil’s gray-green haze

of which etch hunger-struck veins in a daze

The thumb snaps the finger and stirs a clap

Able hands fill sunk cheeks that itches slap

Who break their arms as the fight escalates

carry who break their legs, with sturdy gaits

Lordly lenders and barefaced beggars swell

Limbs in fetters still grope for ways to dwell

Here, some minds are fired for some genius

Some else, at hatching ills, swing ingenious

He in jail starves; the starved has an ill mind

Thus, the dark-minded arm against the kind

Kitchens bear news of their ill-emptied pots

Days know grocers recording robbers’ plots

In the sun, the land that one grows of crops

is that which, below rafters, takes raindrops

One works by lamplight; the daylight is shut

Across the unpeopled spheres, nature strut

Many souls are swept out by this vile dance

It smoothly strips this time of its substance

Few victims and deaths our registers quote

Many minds rot that these records not note

The rich knows none to bear his ill or doom,

nor contracts the dead to possess his tomb

No soul will rest a heap of numb pale bones

behind eyes that had him thrive over stones

Man’s hearing dies last; an artist’s hands do

If the last couplet of this draft pulls through

A deinked pen is first mourned by his drafts

Of the notes of his aired works he yet crafts

This is one death-of-cold with wings so rife:

A grim stroke that marks a cold break in life

Adroit to wreak earth-wide havoc, and brisk,

it is one fierce stream encircling earth’s disc

Snared souls sing the song of a dying swan

These preys felt to die soon admit foregone

Seven million lives are caught in six months

Three and a half million thwart met affronts

When almost half a million repose trounced

time will rate the Pestilence far pronounced

This year of death is still faced within doors

It rivets prickles to hearths for some chores

While itchiness is employed in most homes

one is shorn of the ease at which life foams

One may wish for one’s portion in the street

where this aerobe or our men-at-arms greet

Men live tricky times fraught with dilemmas

You rig truths, Wuhan ill, and numb lemmas

Stripped rough-edged leaves of a dandelion

have you been loaned some teeth by a lion?

Ought the spike of justice to thrust our legs

or hunger fill our pots, sketching our dregs?

Something another way does my rest touch

No prickle did thus well on my peace clutch

A child soothes, under the sky grown angry:

Mother, please bawl not; I weigh not hungry

We eat phlegm to soften the pangs of thirst

Who has a meal gulped drums of water first

One hungers in one’s mouth, not one’s belly

You bear ill-timed meals and freeze like jelly

Hunger ails others’ bellies, not their mouths

You tire of eating if your tongue has doubts

A nursed baby begins each day with brunch

when its mother seldom has nuts to munch

This sad child’s next and last meal is lunner:

lunch and dinner matched for a post-runner

Beneath fruit trees, its father gobbles meals

when the itches in the house seek his heels

Jackie Chan’s ‘Snake in the Eagle’s Shadow’

Your snake fists and cat claws, by air, tiptoe

It is fell how new bloods bear their last rites

but your flinty forte lifts my mind to heights

Like those unbowed Ronaldinho’s ball ploys

you invade, destroy and advance with poise

These days give to the eyes of the punsters

Our grief turns joyous, keeping our funsters

Plenty of sauce with which we lick our biles

does, now evil ruins men, concoct our wiles

Some germs, long sent into an endless gulf,

rise, having spied their breed do men engulf

There is no temple where man flees seizure

The seized, no priest frees, yet at his leisure

Each traced case bears Ibn Sina’s health jail

Our other selves, here ostracized, grow pale

Avicenna’s health jail clutched the diseased

Our ‘Forties’ is into fourteen days squeezed

Cases are lured to the scythe bearer’s court

Fortunates buy the judge; the rest fall short

Who may fare, reap therapies for symptoms

and yet exploit assumed breathing systems

Who not people the care jail loll homewards

and ease their breaths or let the fell records

Who hold up not return in their best shapes

Who fall do straight into the well that gapes

The routed lie lost for their heads and limbs

to adapt to a truck which with deaths brims

When, daily, thousands of men loll perished

truckloads fill pits, away, by none cherished

Corpses are plied along trails morn till dusk,

when none is better honoured as their husk

The vanquished are robbed of fair requiems

Who cease home may keep for millenniums

The Occidental say less schooled than held

The United States, the great height, is felled

The heap of sand a stroke of her spade lifts

is seen while under her watch our sail drifts

Worlds the sculpture of freedom enlightens

will see how her defied torchlight heightens

State firsts tear up, on clear and else efforts

The Latin and German tribes lose their forts

The well-smashed Brazil, Britain and Russia

do no grace into their wrecked hearts usher

Shock runs through South Africa and Egypt

Northern African states confess ill-stripped

With doubts and each barely about a slump

Kano’s, Abuja’s and Lagos’ strengths thump

The Pestilence is once more for lives ticked

The Great Depression comes soon to afflict

World economies, like the shameplant, bow

The bone-dry soil, the less fortunate plough

Humankind tires out like a bough-torn trunk

Our great voyage, thus sailed amiss, is sunk

It strikes worse in our land with just leaders

Men limp like birds fleeing coops for cedars

Swooshed past us has our Italian life-guard

He played a task for solely which he starred

Such flu which widely grips in colder climes

looks of man, but a Chinese stem so climbs

A child grown ill for work, wakes fit to brawl

Fire not keeps who woke it nor heeds a wall

Staunch to walk the else flesh to the bizarre

these were legs smelt to take the world afar

Eyes can grasp the rise and fall of each foot

and how each of their legs, to stretch, is put

The Asian wage and win the third world war

The new and else old nations blaze but roar

The snake that not swallows its companion

maybe not gets fat but grows some canyon

They still give a chase like the grudging flea

that gashed their neighbour with a machete

Hit are wiener dogs that work up no sweats,

fetched to dig the badgers out of their setts

Some Chinese hunt sway over their fiefdom

Such faceless names well defy our freedom

The kite can fly up; its shadow, down, wings

Arms not grow folded when ill at man flings

China could, behind shut doors, have a trick

This would not earn us the hungered magic

A ewe that lusts for horns may weigh a ram

She may scratch well if she has still to lamb

God gifts us faces and tongues, all may see

Life is His breathed words; cognates are we

Men could in their unique miens and voices

reap better than nursing some sole choices

The fruits of our deeds wait no split second

Everything spins upside down as beckoned

Legs keep roaming about on the same spot

I tell not our left from our right, thus fraught

The daylight grows dim like a waning moon

pulling from the nooks of our days, so soon

The past that spoke well of today masks up

The foretold wears the slips mid lip and cup

Our minds and work, with earth, did interact

Here, our feet kick against stones on a tract

False schools on air, of the spiteful ill, teach

Minds invent clues; fishers of regard preach

Hours hatch winged reports; anxieties reign

Prophets show us Jesus Christ come again

A wartime appears worse and has ways out

but on each of these days more evils sprout

A side could flex muscles and grab the field

but we lose the strength to exploit and yield

Fires of war could be put out by neighbours

but no creatures else can boost our labours

The bird flight’s eyes of hints spy not ahead

None can tell the lot of this ruin widespread

All hold that hope-filled hunger does not kill

Instead, well close makes death, the killer ill

So smoothly could this come, but I feel glad

I swear an oath which in hearts will tell mad

Past my days, my return will not, here, make

if after deaths, souls for else times do wake

Life has never had dress such poor and dull

I should fall here; still, death will all men hull

Breathing has, upon our lives, lost its charm

Well, vanity still does our stored golds harm

Our rulers look leapt for their common cloth

sewn of far tales and transformed into froth

Law enforcers launch their fame for assault

and hope that these days not dash to a halt

They are else harm past Wuhan pneumonia

Well deemed fruitful, but hard like ammonia

Our hearts cry to unknown ears borne away

While we get no responses, our hopes stray

Our still but troubled spirits, here chagrined,

crush down and wear away and to the wind

They may join the cloud of smoke up above

If the clouds not do them down to us shove

They could seek being to some lower home

but you will, Almighty, not watch them roam

God who bears the earth upon His shoulder

grief, regrets and ruin, in our eyes, smoulder

This bespeaks the bowing down of this age

and could breed the tearing out of our page

We pray for a rope thrown from outer space

that would transport all out of this embrace

In the wild fields of tomorrows cures fledge

Each leg on this slick peak clings to a ledge

A tree that cannot dance, the wind coaches

All hearts grow to augment our approaches

A meal burns me; my intestines lie bunched

I rise to gape my mouth while it is munched

Our nerve and foiled fear will not cut a germ

At the winged data on cases, hearts squirm

Man stomachs an ire that does him enslave

We re-sit our hurt hearts to house the grave

Our fathers’ spirits are here with us, housed

They bear our eyes even when we caroused

All minds serve them kola nuts, with fervour

The fruit which men and spirits both savour

Wherever one lodges one mends one’s roof

No balm hunter will brook their hearth aloof

Many minds still deem this covid some joke

Some, that our clime merely does it provoke

They bear no faults who score this ill unreal

now a saviour from far skies does man heal

Their eyes that thwart ours may be genuine

while our leads fatten up and stay sanguine

The fat ask the starved to bear their houses

but the fat loll in streets where harm rouses

Disease check bureaux do our concern lose

Hearts not shake still at pieces of sad news

Horror now withdraws its sway upon minds

We make back slowly to our common kinds

Most brows stand other proper life troubles

for the mirth which under one’s toil bubbles

A foul flu has come and now with men lives

It will fail or, God knows, leave when it gives

When no tongue terms it nameless or novel

who saw not, watch it here and there grovel

From the edge of space other horrors spark

On turns to reign upon breaths they embark

Hopes did take no fewer while it all hatched

We not deem, rather, attached nor detached

If hands keep so fettered and shorn of work

more troubles pile up, and for one’s rest lurk

Partial white men’s and to this scourge akin

some other flu lives that tries the black skin

The black man forges for himself own tools

but some sky-hue wearers attack as ghouls

Such whitemen wish to ask ills to our guard

They find the black soil best for a graveyard

They see no vaccine in our leaves and roots

that nurture pains in their eyes for our fruits

For all who assume skin-first and vice-Gods

the world will die and wait, against the odds

You grudge the black soil all its herbal feats

but let them on whose many a plague seats

The skin who does itself the sky-light deem

eludes earth painted of a black skin’s gleam

The black-skinned meet drug testing in vivo

when they seem breaths not worth a relievo

These days are here to let men who discern

confirm more racist fell wills fume and burn

Lessons behind lessons shadow each hour

What has life fights to the morrow bent lour

While a wraith, in a commune, stays so long

elders lure it where behind eyes they throng

Like asthma, dengue, Aids and else cancers

you grace the bar mid man and his answers

Wuhan pneumonia, you yearn to dwell large

and sway over lands along which you barge

So that your makers well conceive the huge

your art, Frankenstein’s virus, plays the luge

A life from the shreds of the dead will surge

while the author lays his balm for a scourge

Within my thoughts’ hearing I bear to speak

These words do you, aural, or heavens seek

Should the old and hoary-haired ill-treat you

Bad is bad; steel your mind and irk them too

When a baby crawls up and does you pinch,

drop down, nip back, like the beak of a finch

We flog a child that spilled the worthless oil

not whom broke wind to gag men in turmoil

By matching their strides, you fight warriors

They should gamble that must rise glorious

How banes have kept ailing earth from Asia

The blameful should dance to their fantasia

Our eyes can switch a more thorough study

So the pure are not cast through the muddy

World irokos seek China through tall courts

Leading seats convene her, heeding reports

Where ills befall and else ways bear legions

the stiff-necked kicks on, raiding all regions

Wuhan virus, where spirits bear weak joints,

hires a compass and infests the four points

Towards all lives the Wuhan harm is geared

States who disavow its presence are feared

We recline trapped, ill hit and grimly bruised

Some guilt of man’s perhaps is not excused

I can hear, although the hell’s bells may ring

cherubs and seraphs, at heaven’s gate, sing

Any that falls, snow, sleet or hail, is stopped

My eyes, some hearts will disclaim or adopt

Yet, what rain on man are clouds’ final spills

that walk the way to earth from the sky-hills

To weigh all we lose, hearts not say enough

Untold say the souls sunk in this fell slough

When our age not breaks into baseless pits,

the moon will shine soon if this rain permits

We will press our chests against each other

soon while we will have cast out this bother

Who must hold out must kindle a challenge

Brows raised fearlessly will refuse to cringe

As days come and go, our panic fall sapped

Such starved fears by each day fail to adapt

Views of unique faces gush for they should

Man casts off his foreboding but falsehood

The mortal will not kneel for dead concepts

which lodge not abreast of earthly precepts

Plans are awed and lifted how hearts kindle

to shake off vain contents and less dwindle

While it costs caution to claim our customs

we head for our lost aims like lay phantoms

Earth makes place to suit some other being

Man moves to match since he is not fleeing

When lives and this disease swap company

we keep from harm which does accompany

Well, dim but more form to fight they reflect

all faces and miens not reveal how wrecked

Paths are, by anxious legs again, massaged

Again, they wear life and glow camouflaged

Feet now go out again but here with modes

I veil my sunk flesh in free coats from roads

This captures not the case with the wealthy

who widen doors to go from rooms, healthy

While humans still in rank over earth mount

their wands led on else planets deftly count

Crises call but not from here do men sweep

Pinches foil the brave and yet do them keep

Our forefathers might have bent to a plague

when they kept behind eyes easy but vague

Man will his greatness his whole life secure

No disease nor scourge will his reign ill lure

It may wear quicker wings than the flu does

but men rout measles which beyond it buzz

Many creatures plot in their spectral worlds

to wrest the sway which is the ultra-furled’s

Some quit all ploys and yield in fear of routs

as your spirit ultra-furled, man, lures doubts

More plights will tilt at your sceptre and orb

but live God’s breath which only you absorb

The rare creature born of God’s photograph

should mimic God’s grace as His divine half

This single craft of God’s resourceful hands

the rate of beings born of words not stands

Who alone says worth God’s breath to exist

merits more life to bathe some blissful mist

They who when spoken to, do for life vouch

will if spoken to, towards death thus slouch

Beings that earned God’s office and muscle,

seize earth and dwellers, knowing no tussle

He who on the Lord’s last day of work came

on the day of death shall last yield his name



Sochukwu Ivye
Rhyme Zone

Sochukwu Ivye, Chukwuma Livinus Ndububa, is an advocate of English, serving as an ESL instructor. His roots trace back to Isseke, a town in Eastern Nigeria.