Explore at home

Morgan Cardiff
Rhys Morgan Field Stories
2 min readJan 26, 2017

Its been a while, quite a while since I’ve called Australia home, well home in the sense of where I reside. On the flight back a couple of months ago, I decided I wanted to really start to look around while I was getting re-established back in Sydney. I wanted to simplify the content I was capturing, and by simplify I mean take some friends, one camera and one lens. Its been refreshingly fun!! First two stops, Tasmania and the Blue Mountains.

Bay of Fires on the East Coast of Tasmania
Bay of Fires on the East Coast of Tasmania
Columbia Falls, East Coast Tasmania
Cradle Mountain National Park, Tasmania.
Bay of Fires, East Coast Tasmania
Mt Roland, Tasmania
Cradle Mountain National Park, Tasmania.
Grand Canyon, Blue Mountains World Heritage Area, NSW
Grand Canyon, Blue Mountains World Heritage Area, NSW
Grand Canyon, Blue Mountains World Heritage Area, NSW
Grand Canyon, Blue Mountains World Heritage Area, NSW

The first of many!

