弱艺术宣言 Weak Art Manifesto

Bruce Bo Ding

Bruce Ding
Rhythm & Bruce
1 min readMay 16, 2019


Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash
  1. 先有艺术家,然后有艺术
    There is artist first, then there is art.

2. 不是人人都可以成为艺术家,但任何东西都可能成为艺术
Not everybody is an artist, but everything could be art.

3. “何为艺术?”是最后一个问题;“为何艺术?”是第一个问题
“What is art?”is the last question; “Art for what?”is the first question.

4. 让艺术变弱,让回答变强
Make ART weak, make answer strong.

5. 艺术应该激发交流,而不是沦为一个“讨论到此结束”的借口
Art should encourage exchange, instead of becoming an excuse to end the discussion

6. 重新进入艺术的禁地、失地和遗忘之地
Re-enter art’s land of the forbidden, the lost and the forgotten

7. 艺术应该为它的观众留有余地和捣乱的机会,但艺术也该有自己的立场
Art should leave room for the audience to mess up with it, but it should also have a stand.

8. 脱掉一切,容纳一切
Take it all off, take all in.



Bruce Ding
Rhythm & Bruce

“Not A Native, Never A Foreigner”. I write in both Chinese and English about culture and politics in China; and media, art&technology in the globe.