Sinking In Mayhem

Realization is fleeting when you hold onto blind faith

Melody Mann
Rhythm & Rhyme


Photo by Cristian Palmer on Unsplash

& yet it remains the same …
i’ll turn to you when all else fails;
a haven you’ve become.

a sacred unfolding of mischief and mayhem all at once—
a splendor within written composition.
where all else is lost,
i turn to you time and time again,
in remembrance of a further union;

words fail to capture the emotions that swirl within the subconscious—it’s a mere meddle of literary dabbles.
i find myself tiresome in the presence of your doing, unfolding the laundry you left hung for me.
it’s tiring tending to what you’ve left behind.
i sink further into the ocean of what if and if only …



Melody Mann
Rhythm & Rhyme

Poetically encapsulating memories and moments into literary permanence.