The Missing Pieces …

One by one

Praveen Prabhakar
Rhythm & Rhyme
2 min readJan 24, 2024


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

It’s been long … really long. The present keeps playing in a loop.

I want to break it,
I want to go back,
To the past.

To recreate a poem written with love and innocence,
To my origin,
To my childhood.

Today, the poem is in bits and pieces.
It’s in the places that have crumbled to time,
In the people who have succumbed to time.

In the school benches with compass-carved scribbles,
In the festive zeal,
In the butterflies locked in the ferris wheel.

In the friendships,
In the silly fights with your sibling,
In the lost love.

In the death of a dear one.

Today, I am going back to those lanes,
To weave what is remaining,
To re-write the poem with the missing pieces.

The photographs,
The old well behind the house,
I am at the origin.

I will soon lose my memories,
I already am,
Will have to let go the ones missing and the ones found.

I will exist for a bit longer,
All I hope is,
The past and present don’t cry when I no longer recognize the pieces.

For now, I hold them very close,

Really close …

Note: This poem was inspired by the movie “Three Of Us” on Netflix. It’s about a woman with early onset of dementia who wants to revisit her most special memories from the past.



Praveen Prabhakar
Rhythm & Rhyme

got to "Live" before I leave, got to “Write” before the twilight, got to "Trek" before the journey of a lifeless speck!