Rhythmo — Everyday Vlogging Made Easy

Published in
5 min readNov 10, 2016

Actual game-changer for documenting your everyday life

Yes, we don’t live under a rock. We know there’s Instagram, musical.ly, and Snapchat for your video shenanigans. Heck, you might even use iMovie or Adobe Premier Pro to edit your videos if you’re serious about filming. But honestly, as someone who simply just wants to capture and share fleeting moments to look back on, who has the time to dedicate all that editing and crafting to one simple video?

Our Story & Our Vision

Rhythmo was merely just an thought that popped into our heads one day, with a group of friends hanging out and enjoying each other’s presence until we started thinking out loud…

“Wouldn’t it be great if we could film a lil’ portion of everyday so we’d remember some moments of each day? Raw moments like these are the best… I wish we could capture this moment right now…”

“Ha, that’s so cliché.”

“But, like, I mean there’s Instagram but it’s mostly used for photos, not videos”

“I know what you mean, photos on Instagram are too crafted”

“We should start film visual diaries with snippets of everyday. Like vlogging but short and casual enough so that we remember the day as it is in that moment.”

And that was when the idea was born.

Everyday should be documented so that when you look back, you will have something that reminds you of that moment. We wanted to this concept to materialize so people could easily create visual diaries, an everyday vlog, without the hassle of having to use 253 apps to make it happen.

The majority of the participants do not edit their videos

Based on the trends we see nowadays, it’s pretty evident that taking pictures is the most popular form of documenting moments. As much as we love snapping pics of Jimmy sleeping with his mouth opened with drool slowly making its way to his chin, it doesn’t capture the essence of the hilarity because we’re missing his snore and the fact that this dude is a grown man with drool dripping all over. From a survey we created with a total of 100 male and female participants in their 20s, we discovered that most people (70%) do not edit their videos when they take videos.

For most people, the reasons for not editing videos are understandable, it’s simply because it’s annoying and time-consuming — which is the exact reason we are trying to change that. Missing out on the potential of taking videos just because it’s annoying? That’s like not eating fish just because you don’t want to choke on a bone. And Rhythmo is here to solve that problem so you can easily create daily vlogs in just minutes because we have got it down for you.

Because most days are gone by with a blink of an eye and you before you know it, it’s too late. We want people to be able to have a platform where even regular moments are captured and shared, because there’s something so captivating about raw moments, those are the moments that life comprises of.

Life is made out of small moments like these

Our Features

With so many video-editing applications out there, it’s hard to find just the right one that serves all your needs right? Well, here are a few of our features that takes make Rhythmo the one app you’ll need for your vlogging experience.

Main Features

Super easy steps — only 3 steps needed to make high quality vlogs:

1) Select videos

2) Choose music

3) Apply filter

Easy-peasy, simple-pimple!

Auto-sync — we will automatically synchronize your super cool vlog to the beat of the music. We know you’re busy so we want to make creating vlogs as easy as possible.

15-sec Videos — Short attention span? It’s okay! Our videos are only up to 15 seconds long, and each clip must be less than 3 seconds, meaning you’re only showing the highlights of your day. This isn’t a reality TV show where your daily life is documented 24/7/365.

What’s more?

Curious about what else you can do on Rhythmo? Check out our additional features

Pro Editing — Want to perfect your videos? Well, fear not! You can adjust the speed of your clips to either make it faster or slower, choose the starting point of your music, and also cropping and trimming.

Social media — browse through the collection of other users and have a peek into what’s happening in everyone’s life or their creative work. If you like it, you can pin it so you can view it at your disposal.

Pinning — to elaborate on what I mentioned above, pinning is a feature that we think is important because you can easily re-watch awesome vlogs from other users in the future without worrying about never being able to find them again.

Official Instruction Video

Plans for the future…

Rhythmo is a newly released application so we’re always thinking ways to make it better to improve your user experience. Let us know what you think of Rhythmo via Twitter or shoot us a message on our Facebook page! Rhythmo is a community shared by everyone and your moments are just as important to us as they are to you so don’t hesitate to contact us!

Want to know more? Follow us on Twitter or check out our site!

Click here to download Rhythmo and start capturing moments.

Media Kit


Sample Vlogs









