RIALTO.AI Platform — Attractive, User-friendly, and Fully Functional

Published in
3 min readMar 30, 2018

Following several months of planning, calculating, designing, and technical challenges, we are proud to present full functionality of RIALTO.AI Platform. Registered users whose accounts have been approved can now access the following features:


The Personal Wallet section is all about your Tokens and Platform Assets. Here users will have an overview of their balances, and also request withdrawals.


The Algorithms section enables users to manage and use the Algorithms offered by the RIALTO.AI Platform. During the 14-days long Active Period, algorithms are using settings that were adjusted by users. The default settings on the platform are preset to 0 (zero) exposure.


Data dashboard is currently not available because there is no history to show. However, after the first Active Period, the data will be presented on the platform.


The first Active Period for registered users with approved accounts starts on Monday, April 2nd. Therefore, you can adjust your desired settings or request withdrawals by Sunday 23:55 CET, but in case you do not apply any changes by then, the default settings will not expose your Platform Assets to the market.


  1. Personal Wallet: deposit your XRL tokens to the platform: transfer selected amount of XRL tokens that you hold at your ETH address to the platform ETH address.

2. Algorithms: go to the arbitrage and market makings box in the Next Period, turn the algorithm on and adjust the percentage scale to your preferred settings. Save the changes.

3. Platform Assets withdrawal: go to Personal Wallet and in the box set the percentage scale to the amount you would like to withdraw and submit WITHDRAW and CONFIRM your request. The equivalent amount of ETH will be sent to your ETH address within three days after the end of the Active Period.

For more details please read carefully the content we prepared under the Help section .


We have updated the Terms of Use. We applied certain minor changes and, most importantly, we added a new paragraph regarding Deposited Tokens Withdrawal:

“You can withdraw any amount of your Deposited Tokens that are available and are not being used in the Algorithms during the Active Period or have not been used for withdrawal of Platform Assets or for covering the losses from the use of the Algorithms.

Once you initiate the Deposited Tokens Withdrawal, the withdrawn Deposited Tokens shall be distributed to your ETH address. Once you withdraw the Deposited Tokens, you can not use these Tokens for our Services.”

The latest version of the Terms of Use is accessible here.


We have published a poll asking our community whether they would prefer to store the trading profit in ETH or USD. The results have shown that majority voted for ETH, therefore we are implementing this solution with the new Active Period.

Make sure not to miss any of our updates and follow us on our official media channels:

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Crypto arbitrage, market maker and AI tradebot. Follow us on our mission to connect the cryptocurrency markets www.rialto.ai