RIALTO.AI Roadmap 2.0 - Preface

Roadmap of Technological Revolution

Uros Stoisavljevic
3 min readApr 29, 2018


Blockchain and crypto industry are finding themselves at the tipping point of the technological revolution cycle, right between the frenzy and the synergy phase. This cycle development is not new, and it follows every major industrial revolution, such as expansion of cross-continental shipping (South Sea Bubble), railroad building (Railway Mania), internet revolution (Dotcom), and it will continue to follow all major future (re)evolutions.

Peter Hinssen’s original illustration of the technological revolution

Cycle Benefits

Foremost, there are two important effects that such cycle brings:

  1. Enormous amounts are being invested in the development of new technology. More and more people are getting to know its opportunities and boundaries, and numerous concepts are being tested for the implication of future use.
  2. Infrastructure and important fundamentals are being built. For instance, after the railway mania, some companies failed, but the railroad infrastructure that these companies had built remained usable for future trade routes and new companies that followed the growth phase afterward.

In my opinion, the key responsibilities of companies that are established during such cycles are:

  • designing viable business models by anticipating infrastructure, services, and products needed in the second generation of the industrial or technological evolution;
  • investing in the research and development of pilot and pioneering proof of concepts;
  • supporting the community and knowledge sharing among market participants.
RIALTO.AI 1st Blockchain Developers Meetup

Disruptive Opportunity of Tokenized Equity

In 2012, as Oculus raised $2.5 million on Kickstarter platform to launch the production of virtual reality headset products, initial backers received pre-ordered products, but two years later did not have a chance to participate in the sale of Oculus to Facebook. Tokenized equity will make possible, what was not possible before. Global P2P accessibility and liquidity for start-up funding.

State of Delaware has just recently passed the bill allowing for the use of blockchains to maintain corporate share registries. Already in 2018, at least three countries will make it possible to issue equity in the form of tokens. This will unlock many growth opportunities for placement, trading, information, and infrastructure service providers.

Our New Roadmap

One can already observe many viable business cases for the use of tokenized assets and blockchain infrastructure in the financial industry. We are dedicating our full focus, knowledge, and resources to bringing cryptofinance industry into the deployment period and the development of the second generation infrastructure, products, and services.

I will use this blog to periodically share our approach to support the growth of the cryptofinance industry. In the following updates I will reveal more about:

  • RIALTO.AI 2018 updated roadmap,
  • The new platform features being in development,
  • Insights from product development team on innovative crypto products.

Stay tuned…

