9 proven ways to get more listings

Home Base by Ribbon
8 min readAug 24, 2020

Have you wondered how to get more listings — even in a low inventory market?

You’ve probably met those agents who seem to have a never-ending pipeline of listings.

They make it look easy to be swamped with sellers wanting their help.

Yet, you struggle to get listings at all — much less too many to keep up with.

Nevertheless, you want to have the problem of having too many listings (instead of not enough).

So, you wonder what the secret ingredient is for getting all those listings.

And, what you’re missing.

The good news, though?

There isn’t a secret formula that only top agents know. Putting in the work consistently and looking in the right places is all you need to do.

Here are 9 proven ways to get more listings.

1. Use Your Network

While this might seem obvious, one tried and true way to get more listings is to contact everyone you know. Family, friends, former coworkers, casual acquaintances, and even your 3rd cousin twice removed can all be great resources for finding listings.

After contacting almost every person you know, you could end up with dozens of listings. So, using your network is one way to get more listings.

2. Follow Up with Past Clients

Another great way to get more listings is to keep in touch with your past clients.

Getting repeat business is easier and cheaper than acquiring new customers — making it a no-brainer to check with past clients for new listings. If you’ve worked with buyers, they might be ready to sell the home you helped them purchase for a new one. Or, if you’ve only worked with sellers, they might be ready to trade up or down to a different home.

If you provide clients with excellent service the first time, they’d probably love to work with you again. We recommend contacting past clients when you have a new listing that might be of interest to them.

Email lists are a great way to stay in touch with past clients. On a weekly or monthly basis, you can email them helpful tips, fun stories, or even home improvement ideas. Whatever it is, regularly emailing them will make sure you’re the only agent they think of when they want to sell.

3. Partner with Local Businesses

Real estate involves many different service providers — like mortgage brokers, home builders, and even lawyers. Partnering with these businesses can be a great way to get more listings.

As an agent, you only represent part of the real estate transaction. People looking to sell their homes might contact other real estate professionals first — like a mortgage broker for a new home loan. Or, a builder for a new house.

Partnering with these other real estate professionals means they’ll recommend you to their clients who are also looking to sell their home. And, you’ll recommend your clients to these businesses if they need a mortgage or want to build a new home.

While this partnership takes work establish, it’s a passive way to get more listings. So, even when you’re not working, you can still generate more listings.

To partner with local real estate businesses, you can either email them or reach out via LinkedIn. After you’ve made the connection, you can see if they’d be willing to recommend you to their clients. And, you can tell them you’ll recommend your clients to them — a win-win for both of you.

4. Cold Call Likely Leads

A backbone of getting real estate leads of any type, is cold calling. This tactic can help you get more listings, any seasoned realtor will tell you.

Regularly cold calling a database of leads can help you fill a full deal pipeline for months in the future. But, it can be difficult to know which leads you should call for new listings.

Some high probability leads are:

  1. Homeowners with recently expired listings. But, they weren’t able to one their own agent. So, you could help them relist it and successfully sell their home

2. For sale by owner — Although they’re trying to sell the home on their own, they might not be having much success with it. If you can show them how you’ll make the whole process easier, they might decide to list with you.

Once you’ve collected your leads, the key is to call them, consistently. Just because they don’t list with you after the first call doesn’t mean they won’t ever list with you.

Cold calling high probability leads can be a great way to get more listings.

5. Host In-Person Events

Another way to get more listings is to host in-person events — so you can interact with potential clients face to face.

While calling, emailing, and texting prospects can be a good way to get in touch with them, meeting them in-person can help you close the deal. Your face to face interaction can convince them that you’re the perfect agent for them.

When you’re trying to get more listings, hosting an in-person event can help you meet many different prospects at the same time. Your event can be real estate focused — like a workshop on how to stage a home or how to sell homes for more.

Whatever your event is, it’s important to make sure potential sellers know about it. Hosting a gathering that no one shows up to won’t get you leads. Posting about it on social media, inviting prospects by text or email, and leaving flyers around town are all great ways to get the word out. And, have more potential sellers show up — so you can get more listings.

6. Target Local Neighborhoods

Getting in front of homeowners — even the ones who aren’t looking to sell yet — in the neighborhoods you want to do business in can help you get more listings.

Having more listings can be a numbers game. The more people you reach out to, the more listings you’ll generate. Select a neighborhood that you like andleave helpful fliers, how-to booklets, or informative brochures at everyone’s door or in their mailbox.

That way, you’re not just selling your services. You’re also giving them helpful tips they can use regardless of if they list with you. This can help you create a positive image as someone the homeowners want to work with — instead of a nuisance who always bothers them.

As with other methods of reaching out, it’s important to follow up. Contacting homeowners once won’t do much to keep you top of mind when they’re ready to sell. Instead, you should follow up with them monthly — or every few months. So, you’ll get the listing when they do decide to sell.

7. Collect Testimonials

When sellers are deciding whether to list with you, persuasive testimonials can make them choose you — getting you more listings.

The word of others is a powerful tool to persuade prospects. If other people have loved working with you, it makes working with you less risky for others. Having testimonials that speak to how quickly you can sell homes, how easy it is to work with you, and how much you can get for homes (to name a few) can make sellers choose you over other agents.

To collect testimonials, you can call, email, or text past clients to see if they’d be willing to provide a short testimonial. Yyou can either provide a testimonial form for them to fill out. Or, you can just let them provide whatever feedback they want.

You can post these on your website, social media, and even use it in fliers or brochures. Having a variety of different testimonials can help you capture the most listings, so it’s important to collect as many as possible.

8. Post on Social Media

Regularly posting helpful content on social media is another way to get more listings.

Regularly posting on social media can keep you top of mind for potential sellers. Since they see your posts every day or few days, you’ll be the first agent they think of when they want to sell their house.

A key to posting on social media is to have helpful content — instead of only promotional content. While you should promote yourself with your results and testimonials sometimes, this doesn’t provide much value to potential sellers.

Posting things like helpful tips, tricks, or guides that actually help sellers means they have a reason to follow you. They learn about real estate every time they visit your social media. This positions you as an expert and a trusted resource for selling houses.

By regularly posting helpful seller focused content, you can generate a following — and more listings.

9. Start a Blog or Newsletter (or Both)

Similar to social media, starting a blog or newsletter helps you get in front of potential sellers with helpful content.

Having a blog or newsletter gives you a place to create your own content. So, you have resources sellers can’t find anywhere else. This means they have to visit your website, sign up for your email list, or follow you on social media to learn the best home selling tips.

With a blog or newsletter, it’s important to create content that prospects want. And, that’s highly educational and interesting — not promotional.

Creating a blog or newsletter and with your own content can be a great way to generate more listings.

Wrapping It Up

As a seller’s agent, getting new listings is what keeps you successful — and helps you get to the next level. But, finding enough listings to keep you busy, much less make you a top-performing agent, can be challenging. It can feel like you constantly search but only find a few here and there.

But, it doesn’t have to be that way. If you look in the right places, you can get more listings in no time. Reaching out to your network and past clients can help generate more listings. Teaming up with other real estate professionals and hosting fun events are other ways to get more listings. And, cold calling and targeting neighborhoods is also great for getting more listings.

Plus, you can collect great testimonials to convince more sellers to choose you. Having an active social media presence can also help you get more leads. And, starting a blog or newsletter with your own content can expand your reach to prospects who never knew you existed.

You don’t have to try all 9 strategies to get more listings. Even implementing one or two can boost the number of listings you have — and create a full deal pipeline. So, you don’t have to worry about where your next listings will come from. Instead, you’ll have a process that works to always be a sought-after agent.

Looking to differentiate yourself from other agents? Consider using Ribbon to help clients buy after selling. With a contingency-free cash offer, Ribbon can help your clients stand out — even in the most competitive markets. Learn more about Ribbon today — to see how it can help you and your clients.

