Transgender Male boxer Patricio Manuel makes history

Talk Too Em Con
Richard Conway
Published in
3 min readDec 28, 2018

Yes if your reading this you read it correctly, transgender male wins his first match as a Pro and a man. The match was held at The Fantasy Springs Resort Casino in Indio, California.

On Saturday, December 8th Patricio Manuel climbed into the ring and beat the breaks off Mexican Super-Featherweight Hugo Aguilar. All the judges were convinced that Manuel won by Unanimous decision. From the Footage I watched it was a more like a Mortal Kombat win “Flawless Victory”.

After the bout Patricio was asked about the steps that it took to get them to this fight.

“I wouldn’t trade any of it. This was worth everything I went through to get to this point of my life. I am Happy”

Manuel is not new to the ring in any shape or form. The 33 year old fought in the 2012 Olympics trial as a female, where she suffered an injury and had to rest. Than while recovering from her injury she actually went and did the surgery that help her transform from a woman to a man.

She went through several surgeries and hormone treatments to get her to this point today. While going through that transformation she lost a couple of friends, coaches turned on her and training facilities closed their doors to her. A lot of trials came from her doing something she wanted to do, but she fought through it all. Nobody wanted to fight Patricio once she became a man either, they didn’t even want to spar with her.

There is a saying that “things happen for a reason and the higher powers put things in place for you.”

Well for Manuel that higher blessing came from in the form of a former boxer and long time fight Promoter, Oscar De La Hoya (Mr. Stockings) an the Golden Boy Promotions. It is being reported that he helped Manuel get the proper licensing and a place to train to get into boxing shape.

Well after all the turn downs of potential fights, the phone rang and it was about setting up a fight against a man. He was excited and couldn’t wait to take the fight. Well the other person on the other end of that phone was the managers of Hugo Augilar.

It was said that Augilar didn’t know anything about Manuel being a woman that became a man. When he found out it was days before the fight to actually happen.

“It was a dream of mines to fight in the US and now I am getting the chance to fulfill 1 of my most wildest dreams” — Aguilar

I believe from that quote it didn’t matter if he found out that Manuel used to be a female way back when the fight was being put together. Now I really think he actually underestimated Manuel. This is because when he found out he used to be a her I believe he thought it was going to be an walk in the park.

It was an notch under his belt, but it wasn’t the notch that he would be happy about right now. I guess the money purse was worth it and being in the States.

After the impressive win Patricio stated that “I will take some time off to be with family for the Holidays and will fight again at the end of February 2019.


Was it an impressive win, because of all the anger she had building up inside of her from making that transition from woman to man that put her over the top in this bout?

What do you think it was and do you think that Augilar should finally retires?

And with this time off do yo think that HE will still be motivated to compete and will HE still win in dominating fashion?



Talk Too Em Con
Richard Conway
Editor for