Facilities Assessment Completed in 2019 Identified Aging Infrastructure

RISD Digital Media
Richardson ISD Newsdesk
2 min readJan 24, 2020

Almost 60% of the schools and facilities in Richardson ISD are more than 50 years old, another one-quarter were built over 25 years ago; and the district has deferred some types of maintenance longer than recommended, according to a presentation at the Sept. 23 RISD Board work session.

The Facility Condition Assessments of all 63 RISD facilities was conducted between January and April 2019 by EMG Corp. to assess building infrastructures, and project future needs for planning purposes. The last districtwide facilities assessment of this type occurred in 2000.

The facilities audit is one data point that RISD and Trustees will consider as they prepare to look at infrastructure needs that may be included in the next bond package. Other data points related to buildings will include the 2017–18 school capacity study, upcoming demographic projections of student enrollment, work-order trends and other site-specific information.

RISD operates on a five-year bond cycle to ensure the timely upkeep or replacement of capital items, equipment, and facilities. RISD’s most recent bond election occurred in 2016, and preliminary planning is underway for a potential 2021 bond package. Staff and community input will be a critical component of determining what capital items will eventually be placed before voters.

Assistant Superintendent of Operations Sandra Hayes said classroom instruction has changed dramatically since many RISD schools were initially built and flexibility to support the different ways students are taught today is essential when considering renovations or new construction.

The assessments of building infrastructures and mechanical, electrical and plumbing equipment by EMG confirmed numerous systems and elements are not working at optimal levels in different buildings, which impacts the long-term performance, sustainability and viability of the systems. Some of the recommended repairs identified in the assessment, such as roof replacements, are already planned by the district and included in the final project year of the 2016 bond package that will occur next summer.

See the Facility Condition Assessments Report.

