RISD School Times — December 14, 2018

RISD Digital Media
Richardson ISD Newsdesk
4 min readDec 14, 2018

RISD Awarded Grant To Boost Autism Services
RISD received a $1 million grant from Texas Education Agency to establish a model to serve all students with autism, so that they connect, learn, grow, and succeed.

The TEA grant allows RISD to expand training for teachers, administrators, parents and coaches to help create high-quality inclusive learning environments through comprehensive professional development, real-time coaching, curriculum resources, and on-going technology-based support.

Learn more about the grant

RISD Stakeholders Forming New School Performance Framework What does it mean to be a great school? What constitutes a high-quality campus?

RISD is attempting to answer these questions and establish a new School Performance Framework, as part of the district’s participation in the System of Great Schools through the Texas Education Agency.

Earlier this week, the School Performance Framework design team met for the second time as these answers begin to take shape.

Focusing On The Whole Child
Wallace Elementary has been selected as the Honorable Mention recipient of the 2018 Texas Whole Child School Award from Texas ASCD.

The Whole Child philosophy is based on a broad concept that, in order for a child to be educated successfully, he/she must be healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.

Congratulations to Principal Frank Patranella and the Wallace team!

Join Us This Holiday Season
Student Fine Arts groups across the district have a busy schedule this month. Check out the December Fine Arts calendar and come enjoy a concert or performance during the holiday season.

Forest Meadow Selected As State Demonstration School

Congratulations to Forest Meadow JH for being selected as a state demonstration school at the annual TABSE Conference. Principal Kerri Jones and her staff will share best practices with educators from around the state as one of a select group of high performing majority minority schools in Texas.

Weather Notifications — Can RISD Reach You?
If inclement weather causes RISD to cancel or delay school, parents and staff will be notified directly by telephone, email and text message. In order to reach parents, schools must have accurate contact information.

Have a Question About RISD?
We’re glad you asked!

From time to time, students, parents, residents or taxpayers have questions about information or issues related to RISD, but aren’t sure who to ask or where to go for information. We’re Glad You Asked is a feature on the RISD website that lets stakeholders ask questions about anything related to RISD, and you’ll receive an emailed response from the appropriate RISD staff member. Some questions & answers may be featured in district publications.

Simply visit risd.org/gladyouasked to use this feature.

400 S. Greenville Ave. | Richardson, TX 75081 US

Originally published at t.e2ma.net.

