Space Bound Mother Daughter duo to make history.

Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2023

It would appear that the viral Ocean Gate Submarine incident hasn't shied public interest away from extreme commercial adventures- this time, in the aeronautical department.

This Thursday, Aug. 10, the Space tourism company Virgin Galactic will launch six people into the edge of space(Approximately 100km in altitude).


This will make personal history for Virgin Galactic being the company’s first-ever space tourism flight, and human history for the lucky mother-daughter duo among the passengers.

Keisha Schahaff and Anastasia Mayers earned their seats aboard the VSS Unity via raffle.

The Antiguan family will make history by being the first Carribean astronauts, along with being the first mother-daughter duo to venture into space. Schahaff, a space travel enthusiast told NBC that she’s most looking forward to “looking back and seeing our beautiful planet”

The Launch will take place from Spaceport America in New Mexico. A two-step plan; The VMS Eve- a large airplane-will carry the VSS unity to an altitude of approximately 15 Kilometers.

Although record-breaking, the voyage will be short-lived. VSS unity will only be in zero gravity space for approximately 3 minutes according to NBC.

The 10 August voyage is scheduled to begin at 11 A.M. EDT according to Virgin Galactic’s website.




At least in the movies about civilization collapsing they had cool robot arms