Launching Ricochet 0.1 — helping B2B salespeople be superheroes every month

It’s been six months since Jo, Kev and I started working together full-time, and today we’re excited to launch the first iteration of Ricochet.

If you’re responsible for sales development in a B2B company, you’ll know the pain and drudgery of searching and scraping around for new business — the daily grind to find fresh leads, one eye on the monthly target and the other on the two dozen LinkedIn tabs open in your browser.

Long hours of repetitive, mostly manual effort. Week in, week out.

If this sounds hauntingly familiar, we’ve created Ricochet just for you.

We get that you already have processes and subscriptions for finding new business. We’re not trying to replace them — we’ve created Ricochet to be an additive to your daily routine.

But Ricochet isn’t like other prospecting services. No endless lists of search results. We’re not selling a spreadsheet scraped off the internet four years ago.

Ricochet is a leads inbox. It uses machine learning and NLP to discover and qualify new leads for your business.

Every day, before you reach the office, a handful of new leads will arrive in your inbox, based on your ideal customer profile. Some will be useful, some won’t. Ricochet will learn what worked, and what didn’t, and then tomorrow there’ll be a few more. And the day after that.

Every weekday, in fact. All month long. Little and often. Manageable and consistent, saving you time and effort, getting you closer to your targets every month.

So what do we mean by a lead? For now, we mean a business that matches your customer profile. In April, that will change — a lead will mean Ricochet identifying the right people to engage in any given company. We’re not there just yet, but we’re starting in a pretty exciting place:

Ricochet — leads inbox

Here’s a typical view of your leads inbox. Ricochet discovers businesses that match your customer profile, then immediately pulls together useful sources of information, the sort you’d usually look for when qualifying a lead.

That means you’re one click away from their website, LinkedIn profile and Companies House where possible.

Ricochet — business lead specialisms and matches

Ricochet explains why it thinks each business is relevant— by determining business specialisms, why and how the lead matches your customer profile, and which of your current and prospective customers it’s similar to.

Ricochet — business lead contact information

And where Ricochet finds publicly available contact numbers and email addresses, it displays them, too.

In total, Ricochet will drip-feed up to 150 leads into your inbox across the month, each lead matching your customer profile, rich with information and contact details.

You can try Ricochet today for £49 + VAT.

In time, we want Ricochet to be as essential to businesses as email or Wordpress or Hubspot, helping teams discover and engage new customers.

We have to start somewhere. Today’s launch isn’t perfect — the next few weeks are going see plenty of customer conversations, iterations and testing — but it’s an exciting place to start.

With customers using Ricochet daily, feedback on the quality of individual leads will make our service smarter, meaning the quality overall leads will improve. We’re keen to learn how our customers use the information we provide, and as we do, begin adding new features to support and improve their experience.

For now, we’d love to hear your feedback, suggestions and first impressions of Ricochet — try it for yourself here, and get in touch with us at

-Jo, Kev & Paul

