Happy Anniversary Mom N’ Dad

Congrats what the two of you have accomplished together during your lifetime as well as what you accomplished as individuals.

Bobby McMullen
Ride Blind Racing
2 min readFeb 5, 2020


photo of bobby’s parents


I know the two of you are raising a glass of bubbly(champagne) and sharing a most loving toast of “HAPPY DAYS!” Congrats what the two of you have accomplished together during your lifetime as well as what you accomplished as individuals. Rest assured, me and my 6 sisters ARE CRUSHING THIS LIFE!

Double edge sword today…

TODAY IS WORLD CANCER DAY. Let me get this out:


1 out of 3 people in todays world will fight some form of cancer in their lifetime…and so will that person’s family and friends. I’ll bet everyone who reads or shares this knows a person who’s fought, or is fighting the battle or knows someone who has lost or is losing the battle. It can and will fuck you up, change your looks, change or alter your body and how it works, but it DOES NOT CHANGE WHO YOU ARE OR YOUR HEART AND SOUL.

Been there done it and am doing it right now. The only words I have to share is FIGHT EVERY DAY AND LIVE EVERYDAY LIKE ITS YOUR LAST…cause u never know…AND DON’T JUST SURVIVE…LIVE! Now let’s get off our phones n GO LIVE😎👍🍺❤❤❤

Thanks for reading. Visit Ride Blind Racing to connect with me.



Bobby McMullen
Ride Blind Racing

Bike lover of all kinds. No matter what bike, where, or who I’m with, riding bikes always leaves me with sunburn teeth from smiling too much.