Al Michaels Mugshot

Alex B.
Ride The Pine
Published in
1 min readApr 22, 2013
Al Michaels Mugshot

Since broadcaster Al Michaels was arrested over the weekend we’ve been anticipating the release of his mugshot, obsessively checking The Smoking Gun’s website. Well here it is.

Like a true professional, Michaels mugshot is all class. I don’t even thing there is a hair out of place.

Via TheSmokingGun

According to Santa Monica police, the “Sunday Night Football” play-by-play man was pulled over at a DUI checkpoint after an officer saw him making an illegal U-turn. His blood alcohol content registered at the legal limit of .08, so Michaels was arrested and booked into jail (where he posed for the above mug shot). After several hours in custody, the 68-year-old sportscaster was released on his own recognizance.

Do you believe in taxis? No.

