Angry Tom Coughlin Is My Favorite Tom Coughlin

Alex B.
Ride The Pine
Published in
1 min readDec 16, 2012
Angry Tom Coughlin

If you’ve followed the career of New York Giants head coach Tom Coughlin, you would know that he has had to constantly work on his angry issues. He can change from being a grumpy old man to a lovable Grandpa, in a split second. His players have expressed that they enjoy playing for the kinder and gentler Coughlin but as a fan, I love angry Tom.

Below is Coughlin having a mini-meltdown after his Giants were stopped on a 4th down attempt in the second quarter against the Atlanta Falcons.

Reading his lips, it definitely looks like he yells out “God Dammit” but its hard to figure out what he screams after making that downward slashing motion. I think its an F-bomb but I’m not sure. Any guesses?

