Charissa Thompson Gets Posterized By DeAndre Jordan

Alex B.
Ride The Pine
Published in
1 min readMay 22, 2013

ESPN’s SportsNation posted this video of Los Angeles Clippers center DeAndre Jordan posterizing co-host Charissa Thompson in the hallway using a trash can as the basket.


For all the people out there that don’t follow the internet too closely, there is a new YouTube viral video that features the same dunking scenario in a high school hallway.

SportsNation was trying to recreate that magic featuring Jordan, who delivered the best posterizing dunk of the year on Brandon Knight.

Jordan had no sympathy for Thompson who took some legit contact from the flying Clipper.

Can we take a moment to talk about Thompson, who is rumored to be leaving ESPN for soon-to-be launching Fox Sports 1 network? She is looking fantastic in those little short-shorts. Total Babe. But did anyone else notice those botox cheeks when she was lying on the floor in the final seconds?

