Crying Does NOT Win Championships

Alex B.
Ride The Pine
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2011

When I first started seeing the tweets about the Miami Heat players crying in the locker room after the Chicago Bulls completed the season sweep of the South Beach Trio (which I just copyrighted), I thought it was a joke. Is it

Lebron James Crying Face

possible that anyone in the NBA could care so much about a regular season game?

The Heat player(s) that were crying have not been identified but I have a really good guess…Lebron James!

First, lets back up a few steps. In some aspects, I see the locker room tears as being a good thing for the Heat. I think it shows that people on the Heat care about winning and losing and not just about collecting a paycheck, getting on SportsCenter, or signing their next endorsement deal.

On the other hand, this crying incident is all the proof that I need that the Miami Heat are not mentally tough enough to win the NBA Championship, yet. Sports playoffs are more mentally grueling than physically challenging and if you can’t keep your composure during the regular season, Good Luck holding it together when everything is on the line.

Why do I think it was Lebron James? Its obvious, right? There is no player in the NBA that is under more pressure and scrutiny this season (or ever). Remember last year’s Game 7 against Boston? I’ve never seen a top level player have a bigger mental collapse in a bigger situation. There is no doubting Lebron’s talent. But if was stronger mentally, he would’ve had more success than just one Finals appearance (that he was swept out of) at this point in his career.

So wipe away those tears bron’bron because just like in baseball, there is no crying in basketball.

