Dan Shaughnessy Makes Worst Prediction of All Time

Alex B.
Ride The Pine
Published in
1 min readOct 2, 2011

How many times have you heard this phrase in your life? It ain’t over till its over!

Boston Globe’s Dan Shaughnessy thought that while the Boston Red Sox were up 3–2 over the Baltimore Orioles in an 8th inning rain delay and more importantly the Tampa Bay Rays were trailing by SEVEN runs to the New York Yankees, he could make this statement.

“I think that the one thing that we have eliminated tonight is that the Red Sox season is not going to end tonight,” Shaughnessy said on television during the rain delay. “They live to play another day.”

Good One Danny! In what was one of the most exciting nights of baseball that had a feel more like the opening round of March Madness, the Sox ended up losing to Baltimore and minutes later the Rays completed a dramatic comeback victory to take the American League Wildcard and END the Red Sox season.

If you are a fan of ESPN’s 30 for 30 series than you may remember Shaughnessy being called out by Red Sox first baseman Kevin Millar for calling the Sox “a pack of frauds,” in Four days in October that chronicled the Red Sox historic comeback over the Yankees in the 2004 ALCS.

