I Take Back Everything Bad I Said About Jason Kidd

Alex B.
Ride The Pine
Published in
1 min readNov 29, 2013

I take back everything bad I said about the Jason Kidd coaching hire. How many years has the NBA been in existence and no one has had the balls to pull off the old spilled drink routine?

Fucking genius.

Here is another angle from the LA Lakers feed. Mike D’Antoni is so pissed because he knows that he can’t compete with Kidd’s coaching skills.

This is obviously a play that the Nets have practiced, right? How else would Tyshawn Taylor know that “hit me,” means to chest bump and not throwing a fist?

“Alright team, let’s end practice with our cheating drills. KG, you first, pretend to be old and fall into the ref.”

NBA, don’t you think that $50k is a little excessive for a school-yard trick. Calm down.

